Past/Dead Mom

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No one pov:

(y/n) was cleaning the castle as usual. He was dusting the statues and painting in the hallways. Soon he saw Duke again reading a newspaper. It had reports of a guy who went to the hospital after some attack. (y/n) figured that it was Duke's trouble. Duke was looking almost disguised at a picture of his father. Then Duke had a flashback of his past about his dead mom and father. 

(y/n): are you okay, Duke?

Duke: just baggage from the past

(y/n): is he your father?

Duke: yeah

(y/n): you look like you were disguised at the sight of him

Duke: sometimes I wonder why I keep pictures of him here

(y/n): what was he like?

Duke: he was abusive in a way. He didn't seem to care about me even when my mother died. He also was a vampire hunter. 

(y/n): the irony. I wonder how he would feel about his own son, a vampire. I know the rest. You were also bullied and then ran away, and that's how you met some vampire and became what you are now. 

Duke: yeah...

Then Duke had a thought. Then Missi came around.

Missi: what's going on, boys?

(y/n): we were talking about Duke's past

Duke: I got a question for you (y/n)

(y/n): go ahead

Duke: what's your past?

(y/n) frowned at that, but he was still willing to talk about it since he knew much about Duke's past. 

(y/n): maybe sit down and talk about

Duke: Sure

They went to one of the rooms. It was a room with a few chairs and couches. (y/n) took a seat at one of the chairs while Missi and Duke sat together. 

Missi: so, speak (y/n)

(y/n): okay... I had a normal life, and it seemed perfect. I had loving parents and a little brother. I was great at school but didn't have friends. I learned a lot of home skills and cleaning. 

Duke: that would explain a lot

(y/n): then, one day... everything changed for the worst. I got a call one day that my whole family... passed away...

The couple looked shocked and sad.

Missi: how did they die?

(y/n): a car crash because of a drunk driver. That bastard survived but was permanently paralyzed and sentenced to 20-30 years. However, after a few months, he committed suicide because he couldn't take it. 

Duke: it sounds like he deserved it.

(y/n): I somehow still had the will to finish high school. Then I just wanted to run out of my old town and get a fresh start on something. And that's how I got here.

Duke: sounds like you lost family worse than me

Missi: we are sorry for what happened to you

Duke: you are probably one of the best servants I ever had

Missi: agree, and you still stayed with any of us after everything

(y/n): thanks

(y/n) felt better now working for the vampire couple. 

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