The Showdown

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(y/n) pov:

I was somewhere big. This place looked old and may have been used for a ballroom at one point. This is where the showdown will take place between Duke and Missi. I found somewhere to sit near the wall. I sat and waited. Then I heard footsteps coming from both sides of the room. Then I heard Missi singing.

Missi: Swing, boy, brother swing
Come on, swing begin
Swing, boy, brother swing
Don't stop; swing begin

Then the two vampires I had severed came close, and the candles lit with a blue flame. 

(y/n) in mind: I guess it has begun. The question is, who will win?

Missi: Boys and girls, shake your knees
Clap your hands, snap your fingers, and sing
Here comes? dancing ring
The king of, the king of the swing
Clap your hands, snap your fingers, and sing
Brother swing

Then they started to dance.

Missi: Swing, boy, brother swing
Come on, swing begin
Swing, boy, brother swing
Don't stop; swing begin

They started to dance harder. I wonder where this is going. All I know is that I shouldn't intervene. 

Missi: Swing, boy, brother swing
Come on, swing begin
Swing, boy, brother swing
Don't stop; swing begin

Missi: Boys and girls, shake your knees
And fulfill your craziest dreams
Clap your hands, snap your fingers, and sing
Here comes dancing ring
The king of, the king of the swing
Clap your hands, snap your fingers, and sing
Brother swing

Duke almost got that cane. He snapped his fingers, and it failed. They continued to dance after that. 

Missi: Swing, boy, brother swing
Come on, swing begin
Swing, boy, brother swing
Don't stop; swing begin

Then they danced a lot harder. As they were dancing, the cat came by. I petted it a little. They purred at me for that. Then Duke spins Missi a lot, then gets her into a stool. Next, Duke went to what looked like a place to store drinks. I noticed Duke put something in one of the drinks. Next, he went over to Missi with a tray of drinks. Then Missi kicks it.

(y/n): damn

Then Duke slaps her. Missi got up and tried to hit Duke with the cane, almost hitting him. Duke kicks her back then she smashes his face into the wall. Duke grabs an axe, and they start to use weapons. I stood up as this was happening, knowing the real fight had begun. 

Missi: Swing, boy, brother swing
Come on, swing begin
Swing, boy, brother swing
Don't stop; swing begin

Missi messes with Duke a bit before he gets mad and charges. 

Missi: Swing, boy, brother swing
Come on, swing begin
Swing, boy, brother swing
Don't stop; swing begin

Missi kicked Duke before he accidentally tore part of her dress, showing her bra. After that, she gets pretty pissed and attacks again. They attacked fast before what I saw next. First, Duke got the cane and pocked Missi's eye. Then Missi gets the axe and chops off one of Duke's thumbs. They both bleed a lot and stopped tired. I couldn't believe this had just happened. I need to get in between this.

(y/n): that is enough. This fight, I see, is getting nowhere. I think it's time to ceasefire for now.

They looked like they agreed with me.

Duke: perhaps you're right

Missi: I guess

(y/n): okay then. Let's return to the castle, and I will patch you two up the best I can. You're lucky my mother worked in a hospital and taught me a few things. 

I used part of Missi's torn part of her dress to stop the bleeding then we started heading back. Now I wonder how I will handle two vampires that fight each other. 

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