Aria claps her hands together "Now that everyone is on the same page, let's go to the church." Walking out of the room leaving everyone stunned at how much confidence she has gained recently.

Finally reaching the church, Aria sees Damon in the distance, feeling mischievous, running towards the vampire she jumps onto his back. "Guess who?"

Damon snorts "Considering there is only one person on this planet that is allowed to jump on my back and not die, I'm going to go with my little witch."

Laughing at his words, Aria jumps off his back and lightly punches his shoulder "Awh love you too Day." Making him roll his eyes with a small smile.

"The Duke's party, I forgot, I hope they stay clear of the church," Elena's voice reaches the vampire and witch duo causing the two to groan in annoyance.

"Look at that, it's the wicked witch of Mystic Falls," Damon whispers loudly to Aria.

"Ria, hey." Matt saying gives the young Gilbert a hug. 

"Oh my god, where have you been?" Caroline says lacing her fingers with Matt.

Aria turns to Damon who sheepishly smiles at her "You didn't tell her."

"Been a little busy Ri" Damon replies.

Aria turns back to Caroline and Matt "Don't worry about it, I'll explain later, and you better tell me when that happened." Lowering her voice towards the end of her sentence making them both blush.

"I've got to find Jeremy; I'll see you guys around," Aria says pulling Damon with her towards the church seeing everybody already there.

"We ready?"

"I guess so," Bonnie says as she and Grams step into the circle and join hands, starting to chant the spell in a different language.

'Phasmatos Salves Nas Ex Malon, Terra Mora Vantis Quo Incandis, Et Vasa Quo Ero Signos.'

"What are they saying?" Damon questions standing next to the opening of the tomb with Aria.

'Phasmatos Salves Nas Ex Malon, Terra Mora Vantis Quo Incandis, Et Vasa Quo Ero Signos.'

"Sound's Latin." Stefan says holding Elena close to him.

Aria shakes her head "I don't think so."

"Shouldn't you be doing it too?" Damon says furrowing his eyebrows.

"Grams said no,people could track my location through my magic."

'Terra Mora Vantis Quo Incandis, Et Vasa Quo Ero Signos.'

At the last part of the spell, the flames around the circle flare up bigger, and they all watch as the tomb door opens.

"Oh shit, it actually worked," Aria says high fiving Damon who chuckles at her excitement.

"You ready," Damon says to the girl who has become his best friend making the two Bennett witches' eyes widen.


"Hell yeah."

"Aria, be careful" Gram warns the fifteen-year-old, she was just a child whose life was going to change once she knew the truth of where she came from. 

"Of course, let's go find this bitch." Aria and Damon walk inside the tomb holding onto stick that was light on fire to see in the darkness. 

Grams shares a glance with Bonnie who bites her lip in worry as they see Anna vamp speed into the tomb after them.  Elena was still in shock at how strong her sister's bond was with the older Salvatore.

"She trusts him." Elena states in disbelief "How could she trust him so easy knowing who he actually is."

"It's not that simple," Grams says knowing that their bond was deeper than a friendship.

Stefan looks between the witches and Elena "Where's Aria?" he couldn't help but blurt out, where is his girlfriend's younger sibling was. She was right about how caught up he was with Elena, but he couldn't explain how it felt when he was around her, like he had no choice.

"Opening the door didn't remove the seal, it just opened the door." Grams explains with a sigh.

"What's the seal?"

"Some seals keep vampires from entering, this one keeps them from coming out."

"You were never planning on breaking the spell were you?" Stefan states.

"I told you. I will protect my own."

Stefan shakes his head "What about Aria? I'm definitely not her favorite person right now but there's no way she would ever leave Damon in there." He says running into the tomb after his brother and Aria.

"Stefan!" Elena shouts watching him run into the darkness, she turns round to see Bonnie and her Grams chanting another spell in the circle again.

'Phasmatos Salves Nas Ex Malon, Terra Mora Vantis Quo Incandis, Et Vasa Quo Ero Signos.'

As the witches say their last word of the spell, they see Stefan walks out with Aria curled into Damon's side, watching as Anna speeds away from the church with another person in her arms.

"I'm staying with Damon, tell Jer to call me." Aria whispers to Elena not in the mood in argue with anyone about what had just occurred.

"I'm going to go with them," Stefan watches as they both walk away in deep though, knowing that even if him and Damon had their issues, his brother needed him and so did Aria, he knew whatever happened in the tomb scared her a lot which made him worry for the duo.

After the eventful night, Bonnie was waiting for Elena who had decided to make some tea to try and relax everyone. But Bonnie couldn't focus, she was to worry about her Grams and how doing the spell would effort her. Seeing her Grams stumble as she walks into the kitchen, she immediatrly rushes to her side.

"Hey, let me help you."

Grams shakes her head "Oh I'm fine, you don't need to coddle me, baby." Sitting down on the side of her bed.

"Are you sure?" Bonnie questions unsure that she was being honest.

"Positive" Grams gives her granddaughter a reassuring smile "they'd be so proud of her." she says without thinking.

"Who?" Bonnie's face turns to confusion.

"Evie would be so proud of her daughter." She states with pride in her tone, lying down on her bed, closing her eyes.

"Evie? Grams?" Bonnie shakes her shoulders, yet she doesn't wake.

"GRAMS" she cries as she realizes she isn't breathing.

"Elena! she isn't....she's not breathing."

Grams might have died that night, but Aria's life was just beginning.


The Young Queen: Aria Rose GilbertWhere stories live. Discover now