The Queen

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Once Layarah flew over the city, the people came out of hiding and clapped for their Queen and her victory. She had already ordered a few people to burn the dead not wanting the bodies to rot.

Yet when Layarah heard the claps and the cheers that didn't ease her mind. She wanted far more death, she wanted far more bloodshed that had arrived at her home. She didn't want to kill Daenerys just yet, she wanted her to feel the pain that she felt. Wanted her heart to burn like Layarah's burned the day her son died.

Layarah believed if she held Daenerys prisoner she would be happy or happier with her life. But now she wouldn't know the answer to that thought. She flew down to the Dragon pit. Leaving Enerys to meet with her children. Layarah rushed past anyone just to make her way to the chambers where her children were. Once she opened the door she saw a little Rhaella holding a sword trying to protect her siblings.

Layarah furrowed her eyebrows and collapsed on the floor opening her arms for them to take. Rhaella and Aemon came running to their mother. Crying in the crook of her neck, holding onto her tight. Rhaella had heard the cries and the yells from the window. She didn't know who was winning, she just held onto the sword praying to the gods.

"Thank you, thank you." Layarah praised the gods for allowing her to win this war and for allowing her to return back to her children. Yet in the back of her mind she thanked the Gods for allowing her to live to fulfill the quest she was set out for. She was grateful she was able to live one more day.

Yet tears didn't fall from her eyes, she wasn't finished. She was out for blood. Her boy died, her innocent son died and now she wanted the sons of millions. The people who prayed for Daenerys, the people who sang her name before they slept at night. She was going to butcher every single one of them. To remind them of choosing another Queen, a Queen who would kill an innocent child or a crown.

Jaime rushed into the room and saw his wife embracing their children. His heart melted as he watched his family, a smile formed onto his face. Then it dropped when his wife rose away from his children and turned around to face him. Her face was cold, not something a person who won a war would look like. Jaime tried to place his palm on her cheek yet she pulled away.

"We have much to plan and much to deal with, lord Husband." Layarah said, her face stone cold, serious and tone hard. Layarah gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before walking out of the room.

The Natural Queen, j.LannisterWhere stories live. Discover now