War part 3

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Layarah and her men made their way to the Reach to speak with House Casswell

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Layarah and her men made their way to the Reach to speak with House Casswell. It would have taken Layarah a day or two but she was with her men who rode on horses. When she made her way to House Casswell she was greeted with men pointing their arrows at her. The Lannister men held their swords up and their shields preparing to defend their Lady. Lord Casswell made his way to the front of his army, his face scared and white when he noticed the three large dragons.

"I am Layar–"

"I know who you are and I know why you've came here." Lord Casswell stated, his eyes turning to Layarah. House Caswell had men, 20 thousand but Layarah had brought 30 thousand men with her alongside three large dragons. He wasn't dumb but he was honorable. "I swore my loyalties to House Tyrell and it will stay with them till I'm 6 feet under." Lord Casswell barked out. Layarah sighed.

"House Tyrell? You fight for a house whose heir is a pillow biter? The heir who is currently locked up for fucking men rather than women? House Tyrell will fall as well as House Baratheon. So I offer an alliance. Between our houses. I will not burn your house and end your bloodline if you bend the knee and swear fealty to me as your Queen." Layarah offered . Lord Casswell had heard the rumors of the Knight of Flowers' affairs with men, he heard he was being locked up and tortured by men who thought they were closer to the gods. Yet he swore to House Tyrell and he would keep his oath.

"No. I fight for House Tyrell." He barked. Layarah sighed, nodding her head at his decision . She turned her head to her men, signaling them to attack. Layarah climbed onto Enerys as her men began to kill the Casswell men. Once Layarah was on Enerys she began to fly, causing Vysehrys and Manarr to follow after her. Arrows began to point to Enerys, Manarr and Vysehrys burned them before they had the chance to let the arrow go. Layarah smiled at her dragons before she flew to the castle.

"Dracarys." Layarah commanded. Enerys began to burn the castle to the ground with her fire. Lord Casswell saw his castle fall to the ground, his men being burnt down to the crisp, his sons dying. He let out a war scream before he began fighting once more. Jaime stood in front of him with a smirk on his face. The two began sword fighting, Lord Casswell was impressed since Jaime had lost a hand. When Lord Casswell raised his sword in the air Jaime caught it with his golden hand, swinging his sword, slicing Lord Casswell's head off. Jaime picked up his head causing all the men to look. Layarah flew over them causing their eyes to become fixated on her. "You have lost. Your Lord is dead, you fight for no house. Bend the knee and become a part of my army and you will be honored, remembered in the books." Layarah stated. One of the men stepped forward.

"I am Lucan Casswell. Third son of Allun Casswell. My father and brothers are dead, meaning this land is mine." Lucan called out. He sighed, looking over at his men who were dead and the others who looked scared. He bent the knee. "I swear fealty to Layarah Lannister and House Lannister till this day till the end of my days." Layarah looked over at Jaime who smiled up at her.

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