My Beautiful Boy

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Very Short Chapter, play song when Ser Natalie come's in

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Very Short Chapter, play song when Ser Natalie come's in

Months have passed since Tywin's death. Guards had searched everywhere for Tyrion but he managed to escape. Jaime and Layarah traveled to Casterly Rock after the death of his father, Vary joined with them after one of his little birds told him news of the Layarah rebellion.

Currently Layarah was walking through the gardens onCasterly Rock with Ros and Irene by her side. Jaime didn't want to leave Layarah alone in Casterly Rock due to her condition.

Since the couple arrived at Casterly Rock, Layarah's pregnancy hasn't been smooth. Yet today she worked up the strength to walk through the gardens.

With their arms entangled with one another. They initially did this because Layarah's knees were weakening everytime she took a step but now she's doing well. She thanked her friends and continued walking thinking about Vhaegal.

Their son has been starting his studies and he's been doing well. Layarah could see how gifted the young lad was and knew he would make a good King.

"What are you thinking about, my Lady?" Ros questioned. Layarah let out a hum before letting out a fait chuckle.

"Vhaegal and his studies. He's truly a smart boy and I can see it growing further." Layarah said, a smile on her face as her mind began to grow crowded with her sweet boy. "Ev-" A pain in her lower abdomen stopped her from speaking. Placing her hand over a round belly

"What's wrong!" Irene asked worriedly. Layarah looked up at her and shook her head feeling the pain pass.

"It's nothing, I'm perfectly-" Layarah got cut off again when the pain grew the second time. She let out a loud groan as it continued. She knew this pain, the same pain that she shared a couple years ago with her first baby. "Get the Marsters... and bring me Jaime. I'm giving birth." Once Layarah finished her sentence she let out another painful groan.

As they were about to move, Layarah's water broke. The two ladies who knew nothing about birthing a child almost lost it.

"This is normal. Now move it!" Layarah said through her teeth as she tried her best walking. The two ladies quickly fixed their faces to help their Lady in need.

Layarah was grateful and thanked the gods for everything they have gifted her but now, she cursed every god there was since she was now giving birth. This birth had begun 2 days ago and the babe's still hadn't come out. Maester's were worried for Layarah and the babe's health.

Jaime wasn't allowed in the room when she was screaming and yelling. But after fighting and threatening he was finally behind Layarah' whispering in her ear, assuring her this was it. All she needed to do was push and the babe would be out.

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