Death and Reunion

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 Short Chapter

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Short Chapter

Layarah cried in the arms of Ser Natalie when she heard Theon Greyjoy had burnt her little brothers Bran and Rickan after he took Winterfell while Robb was miles away planning his next move.. Burnt their bodies to the crisp, but the Starks took it back. The Boltons took it back for the Starks. Layarah had grown quite accustomed to Dorne and its heat. She had gotten a new dress made out of thin silk so she wouldn't sweat. She had grown close to her family even Doran, he still doesn't believe that she isn't his sister which broke Oberyn's heart into pieces.

Layarah even met Oberyn's daughters. Obara, Tyene, and Nymeria. All last names Sand for being bastard yet Oberyn treated them much more. Oberyn wouldn't marry because of his love for Ellaria which Layarah respected.

Layarah stayed in Dorne for 3 days. She feels the people have grown to like her. Her family loved her and wished she could live with them. Layarah wished for nothing more but she was going to become Queen. The iron throne was hers, no one else's. She had called a meeting, Doran and Oberyn. They were sitting on the soft couches in silence before Layarah broke it.

"Uncle's... I'd like to ask you for a favor." Layarah spoke.

"What is it?" Oberyn questioned since she didn't ask for anything her whole stay here.

"I want men."

"Aren't you married? I won't say anything if–" Layarah quickly cut Oberyn off and figured he had gotten the wrong idea.

"No! Not that!" Layarah spoke quickly. She sighed, glancing over at Doran before fixing her posture. "My father was Siverys Targaryen. He was the brother of Aerys. Yet Aerys has passed and his son. Meaning the throne passes to me." Layarah spoke. Oberyn knew where this was going but it wasn't him to decide if he should help his niece it was his brothers. "I have men, but with Dorne by my side we will be unstoppable." She saw her words were doing no effect so she grabbed Oberyn's hand. "You will get your justice Uncle. Aunt Elia was raped and killed by Ser Clegan, Dorne will get its justice. Dorne will have an ally on the Throne–" Layarah turned her head to Doran who shook his head hearing the words. "Uncle I beg of you, help me. For my mother, for your sister!" Layarah fought.

"Dorne has been in peace for many years. I won't"

"Uncle, you were a warrior once. Your people will stand beside you as you bring justice to the princesses ." Layarah said, her eyes searching for a bit of hope. When she found none she fell to her knees. "I beg of you, be by my side. Once I am Queen Dorne will get what they need, they will not starve."

Layarah left Dorne a day letter. They were not by her side, Doran refused to start a war. Layarah knew that if she asked the Starks they would decline. She thought of using Sansa for Robb's army but that would be stupid since Sansa is already married. Yet she was still going to try still. She rode to Casterly Rock, she wanted to leave her son there with Ros and Natalie when she traveled to the Frey Wedding.  As she was traveling she was repeating the words she said to Doran over and over again trying to think of what she should've said but nothing came to mind.

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