Suddenly you felt something touch your face. It was weird since when you looked, there was no one there at all. This was all a dream right?

Before you could wake up from your slumber, your dress and the flowerfield started fading away and your surroundings were soon replaced by the dark void again. Instead, this time it didn’t feel right. Not right at all…

You quickly became defensive as you desperately looked side to side, trying to see if someone was going to jump at you from the darkness.

Looking to your left, you noticed a very tiny figure, or rather..something..?

After standing there for a good minute, you hesitantly started walking over to the object. As you got closer to it, you realized it was a doll.

You picked up the thing, looked at it for a second, and tossed it. You loved dolls when you were younger, but right now wasn’t the time. You just wanted to wake up already…

Closing your eyes, you started slapping and pinching your cheeks. All you wanted to do was get out of here, especially since you’re scared of the dark. 

*tick* *tick* *tick*


Opening your eyes, you were face to face with two buttons staring right back at you. 

It was the doll, and it was somehow floating..?

You screamed and flung the doll away from you.

How did the doll fly?!?!

You knew this was just a dream, but still. This was slowly turning into a nightmare and you didn’t like it. 

The doll had the same hair color as you. The only thing that was different about it was that its hair was shorter than yours. It also looked sad..

As you stared at it even closer, you realized that there were red spots on the doll's dress. 


You quickly brushed off the fact. Why would the doll have blood on it anyway if there was nothing even around here?

After brushing off this fact, you realized that your thoughts weren’t making sense anymore.. Your head was getting foggy and you were starting to get tired and weak.
Can you even get tired in a dream..?

Falling to the ground, you realized that you started feeling lighter than before. If only you could just..-

You shot your eyes open and let out a gasp. Instead of falling into the amazing feeling of relief, you were once again met with two pairs of eyes staring at you. They reminded you of the dolls since they looked almost lifeless, so due to panic, you shot your head up and hit your head on the person who was hovering over your form. 

You were terrified. It was still dark in the room so you couldn’t really see that much, but after squinting and rubbing your eyes a little, you realized it was just Akuto. He was crouched on the floor with his hands rubbing against his forehead. 

It was weird since he didn’t make any noise when you suddenly hit his head. Not even a grunt or yelp, just quietness. 

He was just rubbing it, making it look as if he had just developed a small headache.

Anyway, why was he in your cell??

“Akuto, what are you doing here??”

After rubbing his head a few times, he looked at you and hesitantly got up from the floor which gave you a full view of his face. 

♡𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓥𝓲𝓵𝓵𝓪𝓲𝓷 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓨𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓮 ♡ ||Mute!Yandere male x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now