Mr. Moon's Lesson

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Y/n pov

"So are people finally realizing how talented you are and giving you the respect you deserve?~"

"Meh. Everyone just forgot about it- Are you holding a knife...?"

"... No..."




In an effort to stop this extremely awkward silence, he puts away the 'unknown object' and changes the subject.

"So is Maya better now?"

"Still the same."



"It's not like everything will change in just one day Moon. No one ever cares for the school play."

"Well they should... They're really missing out..."

I couldn't help but crack a tiny smile. How could someone so terrifying be so kind at the same time? Even when that someone is just a machine.

"Well you better get back to class before the teacher gets suspicious."

He ushers me to the door, but stops me just before I open it.

"Oh and Y/n dearest, when is prom?"

Time skip

"So then you carry the two and-"

I tap my pen on the desk in boredom. I was looking at the board, but completely dozed off.



I blink and sit up straight in alert once I heard my name.

"Can you tell me the answer to this equation."


I actually look at the board and gulp.

'Shit I wasn't paying attention...'

I look down at my notebook to look for notes I knew I never took. But instead I saw a small note with a number written on it.

'What...? Might as well...'


She gives a hum of slight surprise and writes it down.


I let out a breath and lean back on my chair. Until suddenly, another note fell down in front of me and onto my notebook.

'Pay more attention princess. I won't be here all the time'

I sigh and write at the bottom of it.

'I know'

"Sending notes Y/n?"

You gotta be kidding me...

Time skip

"Phew... Sorry I'm late Moon."

During class Moon sent another to meet up in one of the empty classrooms. I walk up to the windows and close the blinds for him.

"I had to make an excuse to tell my mo-"

Suddenly, he drops down behind me and grabs my shoulders, sitting me on a chair. He walks in front of me, still holding my shoulders.

(This pose is kinda hot... SilentStarlightings Write this down)

"Get out your books doll face. Mr. Moon is gonna teach you a lesson~"

(This sounds so wrong-)

He lets go of my shoulders and puts math textbooks and notebooks on the desk.

"Oh my god... How long will this lesson be exactly...?"

"As long as it takes little star~"

Least favorite teacher already

Time skip

I get up from my seat and start walking out, until Moon called out to me.

"Where do you think you're going Miss. L/n?"

"The bathroom."

"You forgot to ask."

He's really loving this role isn't he...

"Fine... Can I go to the bathroom?"


Wait what's he doing...

"I don't know..."

No... No please don't say it!

"CAN YOU..."

I'm out. I just dipped.


Time skip

"You're in a whole lot of trouble Miss. L/n... Don't make me punish you..."

"What even is the punishment?"

He points to a chair in the corner of the room. On the wall was a paper that read time out.

I look back at him with an unamused look.

"Just wait."

I roll my eyes and look back at the time out corner.

"There's nothing t-"


Suddenly, two huge ass spiders emerge from the back of the chair!

Moon leans down and whispers in my ear.

"And there's more where that came from~"

He stands up straight and crosses his arms, towering over me.

"Now sit back down."

"Yes Mr. Moon-"

I quickly sit back in my chair that thankfully wasn't spider infested. Moon chuckles playfully and pats my head.

"That's my girl~"

Time skip

"Solve for x."


"That was fast..."

"I was doing it while you were talking."

He smiles and erases the question off the board.

"You're a fast learner love~"

"Don't you mean Miss. L/n?~"

He chuckles and gently bonks my head.

"Raise your hand before speaking~"

"Alright, alright~"

He collects my stuff and puts them back in my bag, then stands back up and pecks my cheek.

"Class dismissed~"

It took too long to write this short af chapter- Curse you laziness!

Class Of 2035 | Moondrop X Fem Reader | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now