Ignorance Isn't Bliss When It Comes To Moon

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Moon pov

Hm... I guess Y/N's late today. She didn't come by to visit me before school. But that's fine. I'll see her soon.

Once I hypothesized no one would be in the halls, I leave my hidey hole and start roaming around.

I pass by her classroom right when her teacher was doing attendance.

"Y/n? Is Y/n here? Hm... Absent."

"My starlight's not here? I wonder why..."


"Is she sick?! O-or hurt?!"

I instantly cover my mouth and walk away when I realized how loud I was.

Y/n pov


"How did you even get sick?"

"I-I don't know..."

"It's just the flu. Nothing serious. But you still have to stay home."

I was both happy and upset. Happy I got to miss school. Upset I couldn't see Moon.

I could just tell my mom that I was well enough to go to school, but I couldn't miss the opportunity.

I'm sure Moon will be fine

Moon pov

"I am not fine..."

Right now I was pacing back and forth in my happy place.

The girl's bathroom

At least for that one time Y/n got food poisoning, I knew why she had to leave. But now it's a whole mystery.

The most likely answer is she's sick. But what if it's worse then that! What if it's a virus! Or an infection! Or a bacteria that's slowly killing her inside!

"Calm down Moon... Remember what Sun said..."

I clear my throat and try to mimic his voice.

"'You gotta stop overthinking and thinking of the worst possible outcomes. We both know stress isn't good for you Moon.'"

I clear my throat and talk in my normal voice.

"Stressed? I'm not stressed... And I can be optimistic!"

I continue ranting and talking to myself like a crazy person, while also being deeply worried about Y/n.

Random girl outside the bathroom pov

That girl seems to be going through some stuff... Should I check on her?

"Stop overthinking! She's fine! She's fine! SHE'S NOT FINE"


Moon pov

What if she's injured! What if something happened to her?!

"W-what if she left me..."

I look down in sorrow, then glance at the mirror.

"I mean... It would make sense... I look and sound scary, I hurt people, I've killed people..."

Suddenly, a question rises in my mind.

"Why does she like me...?"

Y/n pov

"You never talk about your friend much."

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