Whispering, Pointing, And Giggling

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Y/n pov

"Can Y/n L/n report to the principal's office immediately."

The intercom goes silent and I begin the walk of shame...

Out my classroom, down the hall, and finally, the principal's office...

I'm probably just overreacting. Maybe it's something to do with the play, or my grades.

I open the door and see Maya with a bandage wrapped around her head, sitting in front of the principal's desk.

"Y/n. Take a seat."

Time skip

"I didn't hurt Maya!"

"I'm not saying you did. I'm saying you got your friend to do it."

"Well I didn't do that either!"

"Ladies settle down. Y/n, what friend?"

(Everyone in the school knows she got no friends-)

"But I didn't tell anyone to hurt her!"

"Just tell me what friend."

I sigh and lower my voice a little.

"He doesn't go to this school."

"Tell me his information, otherwise we'll have to punish you."

"But really, I didn't tell any friend to hurt her..."


Guess I'll take the detention...

"Very well. 3 days detention."

"What?! Only 3 days?!"

"We don't have enough proof Y/n did it."

She grumbles slightly and crosses her arms.

"You're dismissed."

We both get up and leave. It was a very awkward walk back to the classroom. The only sound being emitted from us was our footsteps.

Once we make it to our class, she pushes me out the way so she could walk in first.

'It looks like she made some friends...'

Around her desk were some of the girls checking to see if she was ok and asking a bunch of questions. And then they moved on to shit talking me because it seems they have nothing better to do.

"She definitely got held back a grade."

"She's so sensitive, everytime she talks, I wanna puke."

"She talks to herself like a psychopath."

"Her 'friend that doesn't go here' isn't even real. She's making him up to not feel so lonely."

"What a fucking weirdo."

"A teacher's pet too."

"I can't believe she would just hurt you for no reason. I knew she was some crazy bitch."

Feeling down and vulnerable, I sigh and rest my head in my arms, hoping I would sleep for the whole day.

That was until I felt something on my head. Paper?

I lift up my head, allowing the object to fall down. A paper airplane. I pick it up and read it.

'Those brats don't know who they're talking about'

I look up and see Moon in the vents. He points in the direction of the girls, then pretends to gag.

I giggle slightly and mouth 'thank you' to him. He smiles and makes a heart with his hands and I do too.

"You talking to your friend?"

I flinch and immediately put down my hands and stop looking up.

"Your 'friend' isn't as nice as you think y'know."

She points to her head.

"He did this to me..."

"He wouldn't..."

She scoffs and goes back to her friends. I counted four, maybe five of them.

I sigh and look back up at the vent, but Moon's gone.

Time skip

Walking through the halls makes me feel more queasy then usual. People are whispering and pointing at me. Some are giggling.

It's fine. Not long before the day is over.

"I'm surprised her mom didn't leave her too."

"She's a fucking asshole."

"She's definitely bribing the teachers."

"She doesn't deserve a diploma."

"She can't do anything for herself."

"She's the light of my world~"


I stop walking and look around.

That's weird... I swear I heard Moon's voice...

"I guess it's nothing..."

"She's hearing things again..."

Out of anger, I kick a nearby locker, triggering a loud sound that echoed in the now silent hall.

"Crazy bitch..."

Then everyone continues what they were doing.

If it wasn't a dangerous hazard, I would definitely show Moon to everyone.

But that's never gonna happen unfortunately...

Class Of 2035 | Moondrop X Fem Reader | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now