Mi Amor

860 35 72

Y/n pov

"Missed me that much?~"

I turn around and see Moon sitting on one of the desks. Well, it was actually my desk, but I didn't mind.

"I was only gone for a minute~ What a clingy star~"

I chuckle and scratch the back of my neck while looking down.

"Your laugh is pretty~"


I raise my head and look at him with a confused expression.

"I said your laugh is pretty~ Prettier then mine at least."

I tilt my head to the side and smile a little.

"Well, your laugh is pretty as well~"

Now he was the one confused.


He gets off the desk and walks towards me.

"Yup!~ It's also creepy, but something about it makes me smile~"



He blinks and looks down at his feet, not saying anything.

"Moon? Are you ok?"


'What's wrong Moon?'

"The kids think I'm too creepy..."


"Yeah! Especially my laugh... It's too low and raspy and it shows off my sharp teeth..."

'Well, I think your laugh is pretty~'


'Yeah! It can be creepy sometimes, but something about it makes me smile~'



End flashback


I poke his chest, which snaps him out of his trance.

"Sorry doll. I guess I was just... Surprised..."


"People think my laugh is creepy. And it's true. But, you don't? Why?"

Not knowing the answer, I just shrug my shoulders. He lets out a soft chuckle, not like his usual ones, and pats my head, then sliding his hand to my cheek. Just the feeling of his touch made my face heat up.

"Thanks darling~ I really appreciate it~"

He leans down to my face, like he was about to do something, but stays there for a moment, thinking if he should do whatever he wanted to do, then he sighed he stood up to his normal height.

(We were so close to getting a proper kiss 😔)

"How long are you here for?"

"3 hours. Until 6:00 pm."

"And your teacher isn't here, correct?"

"Yup. She's in a another room with Maya."

"It pays to be a good girl doesn't it~"

I giggle and playfully roll my eyes at him.

He points to the window behind him while smirking.

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