Class Fight

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Y/n pov

Maya has been bugging me non stop about Moon. She even said some 'harmless' threats.

Well, it's now been a week. I'm surprised we didn't get as much work as we usually do. That was what I thought until we got a pop quiz.

Not cool

I've also seen some people mock Maya for Maki a big deal out of something she 'made up for attention'. It kinda makes me feel bad since I used to be like that.

"She brought it on herself..."

Then people were teasing her for no reason, or the smallest things. Then, she started doing bad on her grades. Now she barely talks to me. Other then the occasional interrogation about Moon.

"She brought it on herself."

Exactly what I said, just with different attitude.

I put my pencil down and let out a sigh as I lean my head back on my chair. I look around and see everyone still writing.

'Looks like I'm the first one'

Out of nowhere, the teacher leaves the classroom. And it's exactly what you expect. Students jumping out there seats to cheat.

As a student walks by, they grab the back of Maya's head and slam it on the desk. They snicker and walk away.

"Hey. Are you ok?"

I hold my hand to her, but she tightly grabs my wrists, digging her nails in my skin.

"Hey let go!"

"Fucking bastard..."

"I'm serious. Let go."

"They think I'm an attention speaker because of you Y/n..."

"And I'm sorry. Now let go."

She holds it tighter.


I grab her wrist and rip her arm away from me. Suddenly, the class was silent. She stands up from her seat and slams her hands on the desk. I flinch and stand up as well.

She grabs the collar of my shirt, then throws me on the floor.




And she punches me. It honestly happened so fast I didn't realize at first. That was until I heard the whole class gasp, then I felt the pain in my cheek.

Angry, I stand up and punch her back. I was honestly surprised I did that.

"Ugh... You BITCH"

She suddenly lunges at me and pins me down, then the class fight broke out. Hair pulling, slapping, kicking, punching, you name it.


Dead silent


We both stand up and look down in shame. Both of us with a black eye, some bruises, and a bit of cuts.

Time skip


We were able to go to the nurse's office, but all we got was some ice and bandaids. And a phone call home...

"Alright I'm here."

"Mrs. Parker?!"

She sits behind the teacher's desk and waves at us.

Class Of 2035 | Moondrop X Fem Reader | CompletedМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя