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Y/n pov


"I guess it's time for me to go home now."

I look over at Moon, who was ripping up failed test papers so the students would have to do it again and do a better job.

Or just be prepared to cheat. Either way works for him.

"Huh? It doesn't even feel like that long."

"That's just how time works."

(Time is a tool you can put on the wall or wear it on your wrist-)

"Bye then."

I walk over to him and hug him, and he hugs back, but tighter.



"Looks like you're stuck with the big bad wolf now little lamb~"

"It... H-hurts..."

"That means it's working~"

"C-can't breath..."

He chuckles and puts his hand behind my head, burying my face in his chest.

"We can just stay like this all night long~"


"Can't hear you darling~ Fine. I'll let you go~"

He finally lets go of me after what delt like hours.

"You could have killed me!"

"Such exaggeration honey~"

I roll my eyes at him, but I couldn't help the smile that was playing on my lips.

"I see that sweet smile~ Don't you dare try to hide it from me~"

He cups my cheeks and puts his thumbs on the corner of my lips, forcing a fake smile, which was soon replaced with a real smile, and then laughter.

"Awww~ You're always cutest when you're at your happiest~"


"Well! You should get home now. I wouldn't want my princess to get in trouble."

"I'll never get over that name..."

"What was that dewdrop?"


Or that name... Actually, all the nicknames.

He wraps his arm around my waist and leads me to the door. For some reason, that made my face heat up.

I glance up at his now neutral, maybe serious face. He honestly looked scary. And he is. But, he's also a big sweetheart once you get to know him. Loves jokes, games, laughing, and...

Being with me

I was so lost in thought, I hadn't notice him look back at me.

"What are you staring at you creep?~"

"Oh sorry. Just Dozed off for a second there..."


He stops walking and bends down, leaning his face close to mine.

"Do you wanna tell me something? I'm all ears starlight~"

"Uhhhh... No. I don't."

"Huh... Ok."

He gives me one last suspicious look before standing up straight and continuing walking, but holding my waist a little tighter this time.

"Y/n darling?"


"Were you alone your whole time here?"


Aiden? No. He was an annoying trouble maker.

Caleb? No way. I still haven't forgiven him yet.

Kayla? Not at all. She was fake and only liked causing drama.

Harper? Scott? Margi? Meilin? Harry? All of them I only talked to once.

"I guess... Yes. Why do you ask anyway?"

"Perhaps I just wanted to see if I was... special."


We make it to the exit and say our farewells. Before I walk outside, I turn around and grab Moon's hand.

"Huh? S-Starlight you're taking me outside!"

"Exactly! It's pretty tonight and I want you to see it~"


He immediately stops talking once he sees the outside.

"This is different then looking through windows..."

"Y'know, I've never looked at the stars with a friend before."


"So, you are special!~ At least, special to me~"

Here's an extremely short fluff filled chapter because I love you guys. I'm totally not watching you while in the walls

Class Of 2035 | Moondrop X Fem Reader | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now