Chapter Twenty

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Final chapter wooooo!!! There's an alternate ending I have planned if you want the ending you can just ask!


Pezzy was walking through the course of the events that happened this week, feeling himself being pushed back as he walked through the course of events. As he was walking through, he saw himself smiling at Droid as he was driving his truck. "After five years you're still Pezzy." Droid says to him.

"I am seriously glad to see you." Pezzy says to him.

"Welcome home, Pezzy." Droid told him.


"I, uh... know it was your birthday a few months ago... This was my real father's camera... I want you to have it." Droid says.

"Yes, of course it's cool! Thank you... This camera is so sweet." Pezzy says to him.


"Now that we got the mushy shit out of the way, I feel like stage diving! Let's thrash this place! Yep, yep! I'm fucking insane in the brain! Let's dance! Shake that bony white ass! Or take my picture with your new camera!" Droid exclaimed.


"This song fucking rules! Can't dance, hippie? Come on! Rock out, dude! Yo, turn it off, turn it off! You need to hide. Now! My stepdad will kill me if he finds you here!" Droid yelled.


"You were here today, Pezzy. You saved me! I'm still tripping on that... Seeing you after all these years feels like—" Droid says but Pezzy cuts him off.

"Destiny?" Pezzy asked him.

"If this is destiny, I hope we can find Sara. I miss her, Pezzy. What the hell is this?" Droid said.

"Snowflakes... Or a storm is coming." Pezzy says to him.

"Pezzy, start from the beginning. Tell me everything..." Droid says.


"Let's talk about your superpower... Epic! I pledge allegiance to Pezzy and the power for which he stands... You can rewind time, Pezzy. That's fucking insane. We have to play! You need a sidekick to guide you." Droid says to him.

"Okay, Boy Wonder... Show me the way to Droid's cave." Pezzy told him.


"Welcome to American Rust, my home away from Hell." said Droid.

"Raw and rough. It suits you..." Pezzy says to him.

"Pezzy, do you know how awesome this is? I get my best friend back and he's also supersized?" Droid asked.

"I... don't... feel so super..." Pezzy says weakly to Droid.

"Pezzy, here let me help you find a place to chill... You freaked me out there. Do you feel any better now?" asked Droid.


"You saved me again. Crazy. Now we're totally bonded for life! Since you're the mysterious superhero... I'll be your faithful chauffeur and companion." says Droid.

"My powers might not last, Droid." Pezzy says to him.

"That's okay—we will. Forever." Droid told him.


"I'm so glad you're my partner in crime." Pezzy told him.

"As long as you're my partner in time. I might get on the other side of that door before you, Lupin." Droid says to him.

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