Chapter Eight

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Pezzy gets off the bus to look at the diner, which looks exactly the same as it did five years ago. Talk about going back in time...the diner looks exactly the same. Might as well take a look around.

Pezzy started walking around the diner, and he saw a homeless woman who was sitting on the ground and he sighed softly, as he walked up to her.

"Hello." Pezzy greeted politely.

"Aw, look at you. A fine example of youth. I bet you're a senior student." She told him, and Pezzy nodded.

"Yes, I go to Blackwell Academy." Pezzy replied.

"I could tell you're a wise young man. I know all about Blackwell and this town..." She says and Pezzy sighed.

"You must know Droid's mother who works at the Two Whales Diner..." Pezzy says to the homeless woman, who nodded.

"She's fed me more than my own family. Her son who's always in trouble. And she's married to a real prick." She said and Pezzy laughed.

"Have you met her son?" Pezzy asked her.

"Cute boy. Pissed off. I used to see him and his pretty friend, er...Sara, around a lot." She says to Pezzy.

"Do you know anything about Sara Jacobs, that missing girl?" Pezzy was curious.

"I know she's missing. And I know she hung out here a bit. Sometimes I'd see her walking, all by herself, deep in thought. Too damn young and pretty to look so worried..." She answered, and Pezzy nodded.

"Did you ever talk to her?" he asked.

"Once or twice, she'd talk to me...about trouble in school, wanting to be some model in California...she was always distant. But nice. I pray the poor thing is alright...but you can't save everybody." She says to Pezzy.

Pezzy nodded and he went back over to the front of the diner and walked in.

Man, that smell of breakfast and the sound of clanging silverware... Makes me feel thirteen again. Pezzy looked up at the TV and he started to watch it a little bit.

"Coming up at noon, KXAN 7 News will explore the mystery of yesterday's unusual snowfall on a warm and sunny late afternoon that confused and delighted Austin residents. We'll be talking with Texas meteorologists in the area and look at some of your fun video reactions to the odd snow flurry. Who knows, maybe Mother Nature was pranking us all? So, stay tuned to KXAN 7 News for the real story..." The news reporter said. Pezzy sighed and he looked over to a cop and he walked over to him.

"Hello, sir." Pezzy greeted the cop.

"Hi, young man, you look a little lost." He tells him, and Pezzy shakes his head.

"No, I've been here many times. It's like a fourth home." Pezzy told him, and he smiled softly.

"Wish I could make the Two Whales my first home. Droid's mother making rocket coffee and juicy burgers! You look about Droid's age." He tells Pezzy. He sighed.

Pezzy asked him. "You know Droid?"

"Sadly, we all know Droid down at the station. His poor mother." The cop said. "Just heard that Droid even had a pot dealer in his room..." Pezzy widened his eyes.

"Who told you that?" He asked him.

"I didn't hear it on the police scanner. His mom said the weed belonged to Droid's friend, but...I highly doubt that." He says.

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