Chapter Four

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Pezzy sighed softly, as he saw the other students lounging around outside of the campus building. "Would Puffer please come to the front office? Thank you." Pezzy could hear Wells say through the intercom and that caused Pezzy to sigh softly.

I'm so screwed. Pezzy said to himself. Pezzy then looked down to the ground, and he saw the missing posters laid all over the ground. Sara Jacobs.. She looks so hopeful and pretty... I wonder what happened to her. Pezzy wondered to himself, before he began to walk off from the stairs.

As he was walking, he heard his phone start buzzing up a storm, and he looked down and realized that it was Lily. One of his friends that he made when he first got to Blackwell Academy back in September. He knows that Lily has the biggest crush on him, but there was a slight issue with that; he wasn't really into girls. Never has been. Never will be.

'Lily: Hey Pez, can you get my flashdrive?
I need some info and space.'

'Lily: Hullo?'

'Pezzy: Sorry I'm running late
It's been an insane day.'

'Lily: I'll meet you in the lot.
Looking cool.
You'll see.'

'Pezzy: My camera will be ready.
See you shortly.'

'Lily: I hope so.'

Pezzy sighed softly, as he put his phone back in his pocket. He looked over to see Ms. Grant, holding a clipboard, smiled softly, and walked over to her.

"Hey, Ms. Grant." Pezzy greeted, with a bright smile.

"Excuse me, Pezzy. I know everybody loves being asked to sign a petition, but would you do Ms. Grant a favor and hear me out?" She asked him, and Pezzy nodded to her question.

"Of course. I always have time for you. What's the petition?" Pezzy asked her, getting curious.

"David Madsen, our chief of security, wants to put surveillance cameras all around the campus. Halls, classrooms, gym, dorm rooms, et cetera. Blackwell Academy should be a high school, not a high security penitentiary." She told him. Pezzy sighed in response, and crossed his arms.

"David Madsen doesn't need another excuse to harass students here..." Pezzy replied and Ms. Grant sighed before speaking again.

"Pezzy, this isn't about personalities. This is about protecting civil rights and our school's legacy of freedom." Ms Grant told Pezzy, who nodded slightly. "Blackwell Academy has a noble heritage, from the Native Americans who founded this land, to the pioneers who shared it in peace, not fear and violence." Pezzy furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"The native americans?" Pezzy asked in confusion. Pezzy didn't even know that there were Native American tribes here at Blackwell.

"The tribes who were here first, who welcomed the settlers. Both cultures found a mutual symbiosis and thrived." She said, and Pezzy nodded. "Now before I assign you homework with this lecture, will you please sign the petition to keep our campus from going back to 1984?" She asked Pezzy, who replied with a confident nod.

"Absolutely. I don't mind security, but not...pure surveillance." he replies, as he takes the pen from Ms. Grant and signs the petition.

"I knew you were my favorite new student at Blackwell for a good reason." She tells Pezzy, who chuckled, as he walks off.

Pezzy wasn't in the biggest mood to talk to anyone else on campus -- hell, these kids don't like him anyway. They think he's weird, because of how quiet or hyperactive he is, and they think he is a nosey fuck. He decided he just wanted to go to his dorm.

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