Chapter Six

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"Isn't this awesome? Totally reminds me of when we were kids." Droid says, as the two teenagers were walking up to the lighthouse. Droid noticed that Pezzy wasn't caught up with him, he turned around and waved his hand to motion him to hurry. "Come on, slowpoke!" He yelled.

"Hold on!" Pezzy giggled. Droid then continued to walk up the path.

I haven't been here in forever... So why do I feel like I was just here? Whoa, this is the exact same path I was on during my nightmare today.

Pezzy finally reached up to the lighthouse and saw this bird fly away from them. Birds are so lucky, they can always escape. Pezzy saw Droid was sitting on a bench, just looking at the amazing view.

"Sure, you don't want to be alone?" Pezzy asked softly, and he snorted, and patted the seat next to him.

"Have a seat, Pete." He told him. Pezzy sat next to him.

Pezzy says. "You're in a good mood." and he smiled.

"Seeing my step-dork get played makes me happy." He says, and that prompted Pezzy to lay his head on Droid's shoulder. To which Droid wrapped his arm around his shoulder.

Pezzy responds with. "I'm not as brave as you. And David is indeed a "step-douche."" he chuckled and sighed.

"I'm sorry you had to experience it firsthand." Droid apologized, but Pezzy sighed and shook his head.

"You have to live with him. Has he always been this way?" he asked and Droid nodded.

"Ever since my desperate mom dragged his ass to our home! I never trusted David." He answered. Pezzy sighed as he was thinking about what happened with Kate today.

"He freaked out on poor Kate Marsh today." Pezzy says and Droid rolled his eyes.

"I know her. She's cool. Only that prick would bully her." Droid told him. Pezzy sighed with a nod as he messed around with Droid's fingers, which were hanging over his shoulder.

"He has some kind of weird agenda." he replied, and Droid exhaled a breath out.

"He has a lot of secret files. Rambo still thinks he's gathering enemy intelligence. Did you take a peek?" He asked, and Pezzy nodded.

"Well, yeah. I couldn't help it." he answered. Droid chuckled.

"Never change. What did you find?" He asked and Pezzy sighed softly.

"Creepy photos of Kate Marsh...other Blackwell students." Droid was shocked to know what his step-dad had in his files.

"This dude takes his job too seriously. He still thinks he's at war or something." Droid sighed. "He has a total surveillance fetish. I worry there are spy cams in the house."

Pezzy widened his eyes, and sat up straight, which confused Droid a little. "I knew you didn't know! Droid, your house is under surveillance."

Droid widened his eyes. "What are you talking about?"

"There are cameras all over the house. I saw it on a monitor in the garage." Pezzy confessed, and Droid sighed softly.

"I knew it! He is so fucking paranoid. I'll keep this a secret for now." Pezzy nodded to his words, before he leaned back on to his shoulder.

Pezzy sighed softly. "Sometimes ignorance is bliss, ya know."

Droid sadly chuckled. "No wonder I'm so miserable. Everybody in this town knows everybody's secrets..." Pezzy looked over at him.

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