Chapter Seven

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October 8th, 2018: THE NEXT DAY

Pezzy woke up to his alarm clock ringing from his phone, he groaned, before he hit the snooze button. Pezzy took the blanket off of his head, and he sighed softly, before turning on his radio to play some lofi music as he stared up at the ceiling. The only thing he could really think about was what happened yesterday.


"Pezzy... start from the beginning. Tell me everything..." Droid said. Pezzy sighed softly as he looked down at the ground before looking back up at Droid who just looked at him in a state of shock.

"How much time you got?" Pezzy asked and Droid just sat down next to him, and grabbed a hold of his hand.

"I got enough time. Tell me." Droid told Pezzy and Pezzy exhaled a deep breath and began to explain everything.

"I was in Adams' class this morning, and it was like I was asleep but I wasn't, I don't remember falling asleep. While I was asleep it was like I had this nightmare of a tornado hitting the city of Austin, and it's going to happen on the 11th of October, which is this Friday. But, that wasn't the weirdest thing. The weirdest thing was being able to rewind time because Puffer shot and killed you." Pezzy explained and Droid just nodded as he listened to Pezzy.

"Wow. That's... that's actually kind of cool. You can rewind time and shit!" Droid exclaimed as he stood up from the bench with a smile on his face, and Pezzy just stared at him with a look of confusion on his face.

"Awesome? Droid, are you insane?" Pezzy asked and Droid just laughed.

"Dude you should know I'm fucking mental by now. But yes, dude you can rewind time. We're totally gonna have to talk about this more tomorrow." Droid said and Pezzy was just shocked and confused.

He seriously believed me just like that? Pezzy asked himself.

"So you believe me?" Pezzy asked as he stood up from the bench as well.

"No. Not entirely. You're gonna have to prove to me you rewind time, just to make sure you're not completely stoned out of your mind." Droid told Pezzy and Pezzy rolled his eyes in response.

There it is. Pezzy sighed.

"So our usual meeting spot tomorrow?" Pezzy asked and Droid nodded.

"Yessir." Droid replied before he started to walk down the trail, leaving Pezzy standing there on his own.

Pezzy sighed before turning around to see the beautiful Texas city that was still intact when he knew it's not going to be looking like this in four days.


Pezzy moved his arm away from his eyes, as he sighed softly one more time, before he decided he needed to stop being a lazy piece of shit, and get out of bed. Being a superhero is dirty work. I need a shower. Pezzy tells himself. Pezzy walked over to his desk, and shut off the radio. He then saw this figure standing near the dorm, so he looked closer and he saw that Lily was standing there.

What the hell is she doing at the dorms? Pezzy wondered to himself. Shaking his head, he decided he wasn't going to think about it right now, he just wanted to get a shower. Pezzy heard his phone ding and he saw it was a message from Droid.

'Droid: you there pezzy?'

'Pezzy: Like I said always for you
:) :) :):)'

'Droid: NO EMOJI!!!'

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