Chapter Eighteen

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Pezzy wakes up tied to a chair in the Dark Room. Droid? What? Where? The Dark Room... "Is anybody out there?! Please, help!" Pezzy yelled out to no one. Pezzy starts to wiggle his foot out of the tape, and he successfully does it.

Finally! I'm free! Almost... Pezzy told himself. Pezzy uses his foot to pull the trolley in front of him. He then looks at a photo Adams took of him. I hate looking at myself like that. You'll pay for this, Adams.

Pezzy focuses on the photo.

I promised I would never go back in time like this again... But this is the only way... Pezzy told himself.


Pezzy woke up lying on the ground with his hands tied, while Mr. Adams was taking pictures of him. "This angle highlights your purity, see? The slightly unconscious model is often the most open and honest. No vanity or posing, just...pure expression." Adams says and he moves Pezzy's leg.

"Oh Christ... Look at that perfect face." He said. Pezzy tried to move his head and Adams slapped him across the face, to which Pezzy groaned in response, and he put him back in the right position. "Hold that stare there! Stay still!" He yelled and Pezzy tried to move again.

"Oh, Pezzy! You fucked up my shot!" He yelled angrily. "But please don't worry, we have all the time in the world. For now. I knew you were special the second I saw your first..."selfie". Yes, I still hate that word. But I love the purity of your own image. Not like Sara, who was always looking in the wrong places. Poor Sara. Wait... Let me try this angle." He says, and he went in front of him.

"Don't move!" He yelled and he repositioned Pezzy's shoulder

"Oh, much better... Thanks, Pezzy. If only Puffer could see this setup. He tried so hard, but you can't just throw a few subjects around and expect a cohesive style or theme. But he had an eye for shadows. And an eye for a whole lot more, as his elite family will find out...along with Austin." He says. What did he do to Puffer? Adams positioned his head.

"Nice... Good... Oh, those eyes..." He says so creepily. Ugh, this is so fucked up!

"It's just too bad you're so goddamn nosy, Pezzy! But, this under 24/7 surveillance, so all I had to do was text you from Puffer's phone, and you fell right into my hands. You really should have focused on schoolwork, not "private detecting" with your little...boyfriend." He says.

"Droid." Pezzy whimpered, as he could remember him with a bullet in his head.

"Droid, right. Yeah, I'm sorry I killed—that Puffer killed him in self-defense. But he had a troubled history like most Austin dropouts. Nobody will be surprised...or care. Though I promise...people will care when you die tonight, Pezzy. I wasn't lying when I said you have a gift." He told him. Ugh, fucking bastard. He then crouched down to take photos of him.

"Okay... Now, this looks good. Maybe a few more close-ups..." He says and Pezzy then moves his head again.

"Pezzy, please do not move so much. I need you posed and framed my way! Maybe a new dose will calm you down..." He says as Pezzy tries to stand up.

"No, no... no!" Pezzy yelled and he struggled to get out, and he went to bring the trolley over.

"Now don't move, or this will...hurt...much." He says as he fills the syringe with the drugs. Fuck this, he's not letting this happen! Pezzy then kicked the trolley which knocked the vial of drugs off, breaking them and liquid poured on a folder.

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