Chapter Two

138 6 13

October 7th, 2018: FIVE YEARS LATER

It is raining heavily. The forest and the lighthouse pathway are lit up momentarily by flashes of lightning. Pezzy is lying on the ground with his eyes closed. He slowly opens his eyes and starts looking around.

Where the fuck am I? What's happening? How did I get here? And where the hell is "here"?

Pezzy slowly stood up from the ground, and he noticed the lighthouse in the distance.

There's the lighthouse. I'll be safe if I can make it there... I hope. Please let me make it there. He says to himself.

Pezzy lifts up his left arm to protect himself from the wind as he starts walking up the path. He reaches the lighthouse and sees the tornado approaching his city.

"Holy shit." Pezzy swears to himself, as he looks at his beloved Texas city.

The tornado blows up a boat, which hits the lighthouse and breaks it in two. The upper portion starts to fall on Pezzy.

"Whoa! No!" Pezzy yelled, as he just stared at the rubble just starting to fall on him, as he braced himself for the impact, but the impact never came.


Pezzy's head shot up from his desk, and he looked around, and he saw that he was in his photography class. Pezzy groaned as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. He was so glad that he didn't have glasses anymore, after getting LASIK surgery. It was a blessing. But, in all honesty, Pezzy can't seem to shake that dream. He can still feel the wind in his hair, the rain drenching his skin and clothes. It was so surreal, but thank god it was just a dream. But, now he was stuck listening to this boring lecture by his teacher Damon Adams.

"Alfred Hitchcock famously called film, "little pieces of time" but he could be talking about photography, as he likely was." Adams states as he was talking to his photography class.

One of the student's named Jenna has her pen fall on the floor and she reaches down to pick it up.

Everything's cool... I'm okay... Pezzy told himself, as his eyes kept bouncing from place to place. This was so weird.

A student named Laura throws a paper ball at another student Kate.

"These pieces of time can frame us in our glory and our sorrow; from light to shadow; from color to chiaroscuro. Now, can you give me an example of a photographer who perfectly captured the human condition in black and white? Anybody? Bueller?" God, Pezzy was so gonna fail this shit.

One of Pezzy's "enemies" Grizzy's phone buzzes and he turns it off. You see, Pezzy wouldn't really consider him and Grizzy to be enemies -- well at least on Pezzy's part because Pezzy did nothing wrong to piss him off, Grizzy just has a stick up his ass.

I didn't fall asleep. And that sure as hell didn't feel like a dream. Pezzy told himself, as he still couldn't recover from that bizarro dream -- if he could even call it that.

"Diane Arbus." Grizzy answered and Pezzy just rolled his eyes.

"Very good, Grizzy. Why Arbus?" Adams asked and Pezzy sighed softly, as he picked at the dead skin near his lips, before he stopped himself. This was a habit he picked up recently when he moved back. The stress is getting to him.

"Because of her images of hopeless faces. You feel like, totally haunted by the eyes of those sad mothers and children." Grizzy answered Adam's question and Pezzy went back to distracting himself, whether that'll be picking his lip, messing with the skin on his fingers, or twirling his pencil in his hand.

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