Chapter Ten

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Pezzy and Droid made it back to the entrance of Blackwell, and the weather had changed and it was dull and rainy, when before it, it was all sunny and vibrant. "Thanks for the ride, Droid. Right on time for my art lesson." Pezzy says, and Droid smiles softly.

"Thanks for coming with me. Sorry for being so boring..." Droid says and that made Pezzy scoff.

"Nothing exciting ever happens to us, right?" Pezzy asked him, and Droid smiled softly.

"Listen, your rewind power has to be connected to that snow yesterday. That might explain your tornado vision..." He says, and Pezzy shakes his head.

"Explain what? Snow equals a ginormous twister that takes out Austin? You're high." Pezzy tells him and he rolls his eyes.

"Wake up, Pezzward. You saved my life twice now. You altered the course of my destiny, yours, and whoever! Do you know about Chaos Theory?" He asked and Pezzy looked at him with this questioning look.

"What do you know about Chaos Theory, Mr "I Hate Math"?" he asked Droid, and Droid rolled his eyes.

"Five years ago, asswipe. Some people change...and your situation is the perfect storm for quantum physics." He told Pezzy. Pezzy furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"Why me? I'm just a geeky photographer from Pennsylvania in Texas..." Pezzy says softly. Droid snickered.

"A perfect example of "strange attractors." Don't they teach you kids anything at Blackwell? We have a tornado, rewind power, and freak snow...hello, Armageddon! So let's party hardy with your power, rock star!" Droid says, and Pezzy smiles and laughs.

"Like you said, Professor Droid: a superhero needs a sidekick." Droid just smiled.

"How can it be such a shitty week and yet one of the best of my life?" He asked.

"Because we're back in action again!" Pezzy cheered.

"Yessir!" Droid exclaimed and Pezzy and Droid high five each other with wide smiles on their faces.

Pezzy got out of the car and he waved to Droid, as he drove off. Pezzy ran back inside the school so he wouldn't get rained on.


I have a little time before Mr. Adam's class, so...I can do some wandering. Pezzy says to himself. Pezzy saw the Principal and he walked over to him "Sir?"

"Oh, hello, Pezzy. I hope this isn't about the alleged gun incident." Wells said and Pezzy just furrowed his eyebrows. Is he serious right now?

"Alleged? Puffer did have a gun. Have you talked to him yet?" He asked and Wells nodded.

"Yes. He's deeply upset about his accusation. I don't blame him. Once I have all the facts, we'll talk. For the moment, focus on your schoolwork." Wells told Pezzy and Pezzy sighed softly, as he crossed his arms.

"I can't focus when I'm scared." Pezzy told him.

"Please don't say that. There's nothing to be scared of at Blackwell Academy. Our head of security is overseeing a new era of campus safety." He told Pezzy.

"I saw Mr. Madsen hassling Kate Marsh yesterday..." Pezzy told him.

"Wait, wait. Do you see a pattern here, Pezzy?" He asked and Pezzy scoffed.

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