Chapter One

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June 10th, 2013: FIVE YEARS PRIOR


Both thirteen years old, Pezzy and Droid were home alone as they were too busy going through the old crap that Droid had in his room, that his mother told him to either trash or donate. But both Droid and Pezzy were busy doing other things... like blowing up action figures. "You ready, Pez?" Droid asked, as Pezzy was adjusting his goggles over his glasses, and he looked over at him.

"I guess so, but what about your mother?" Pezzy asked Droid and Droid just snorted.

"She's probably cooking with the music on full blast, she ain't gonna hear shit." Droid responded, as he started the lighter, and Pezzy chuckled softly, as he looked at his best friend.

"Yeah, but I really think she's going to notice the hole in the floor, Droid." Pezzy said, trying to make Droid not blow up the action figure, but Droid just snorted in response.

Droid closed the lighter and he looked over to Pezzy. "Trust in science, Pezzwald. Even when science means blowing shit up." Droid told him and Pezzy just sighed and nodded.

Droid starts the lighter again and then lights the fuse that was tied to the action figures. Him and Pezzy laugh and bump into each other while trying to run away, so they won't get caught in crossfire. They run and hide behind Droid's bed, peering over the top at their (well Droid's) experiment. The fuse burns out but nothing happens at first.

"Huh, must've been a dud." Pezzy pointed out.

Then it explodes, and charred action figure parts fly across the room as Pezzy and Droid ducked down.

"Or maybe not." Pezzy says as he gets up and takes off his goggles, readjusting his glasses; and Droid laughs happily and jumps onto his bed, taking off the goggles as well.

"Tell me that wasn't the coolest thing you've ever seen, Pezzy!" Droid exclaimed and Pezzy just stared at him in shock.

"Are you insane? That explosion was massive. Look at the damage it left to your floor." Pezzy said and Droid just snickered and jumped down from his bed and stared at Pezzy.

"You say that like it's a bad thing." Droid told him and Pezzy laughed softly.

"I'm pretty sure your mother would think the same thing as me. Let's hope she didn't hear that." Droid just rolled his eyes in response to Pezzy's words. "When she asked me to get rid of my old junk, she never specified how..." Droid said with a smile on his face but he then frowned. "But I guess I'd better do some actual cleaning too." Sighing softly, Droid looked over at Pezzy. "I'll be excavating the closet. If you see anything else to trash, help a brother out and chuck it on the pile over there." Droid told Pezzy as he began to rummage through his closet.

Pezzy just snickered in response. "Okay." He whispered. He didn't know when he got stuck on trash duty, but here goes nothing. Pezzy walked around Droid's room seeing if there was anything worth tossing in the garbage box. But everytime, he tried to suggest something to put in the trash box, Droid denied it and he put up a fight. Pezzy sighed softly as he chuckled.

While he was walking around, he was examining the room and he sighed softly. It feels like I've spent half my life hanging out in this room. It's probably because I have. I...can't believe those days are all over now. In a few days, my whole family is moving back to Pennsylvania... the state where I was born. I have no idea when I'll see Droid again. Hell, I don't know if I'm ever going to see him again.This could be my last chance to say goodbye. Pezzy then bent down and picked up the charred action figure head and sighed again. But... How do you tell your best friend you're leaving him? Pezzy then dropped the head of the action figure.

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