𝐟𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐱𝐢𝐞𝐭𝐲

Start from the beginning

"The plane," You huff and roll over onto your side of the bed, looking up at the ceiling, "I've never been on a plane before."

Harry rolls on top of you, holding himself up with his hands pressed on the mattress. You giggle when his hair flops over his face and you reach up to push it back. He does a pushup, kissing your lips and pulling himself up again.

"There's nothing to be afraid of love, I'll be right with you anyway and John is a good pilot." He says in hopes it comforts you in some way. "Promise I'll hold you for the whole flight."

You bite back a smile, "You promise?"

"With my whole heart." He falls on top of you and wraps your entire body into his arms before rolling onto his side with you on top of him. "M' whole heart." He whispers and kisses the top of your head.

The following morning, you woke up with a heavy weight in your chest. Harry was already in the bathroom getting ready but you needed a few moments to collect yourself and try to rid of the anxiety lingering in your chest.

"I promise pretty girl, everything will be okay." He tries as you pull yourself out of bed.

Harry could tell you were feeling anxious by the shakiness of your hands and the way you struggled to focus on the things he was saying. He was no stranger to your battles with anxiety and knew exactly what he needed to do to take care of you, he was the only one in this entire world who knew the best way to look after you.

He picked you up in one swift movement and plopped you on the bathroom counter. He reached for your skincare headband which had little strawberries on them and pushed your hair back with it. "There's m' pretty girl," He speaks gently. "Prettiest eyes I've ever seen."

You reach for his hand as he grabs your toothbrush and play with his fingers, your head falling forward and your forehead resting on his chest. "I know baby," He murmurs, his hands rubbing up and down your back, "This is just another thing." He says and holds your face in his hands, "It's just another thing we have to get through." You nod and help him apply toothpaste onto your toothbrush.

He helps brush your teeth and apply your skincare on your face. He knew that when you were feeling anxious it helped if he took on some of your daily tasks so you had less to worry about.

He takes you to your wardrobe, "Can you show me what you want to wear to the airport?" You immediately nod and search for something comfy to wear, you wanted to wear one of his shirts to the airport so you went to his side of the wardrobe and pulled out a graphic shirt he liked to wear.

You then walked over to your side to find some grey sweatpants and pulled out some white socks. He took them from you and started to undress you, his fingertips purposely touching your soft skin. "I love you Y/N." He says out of the blue.

You smile, "I love you too Harry."

He pulled up your underwear and kissed the apex of your thigh before putting your sweatpants on and socks, kissing your ankle.

When your both ready to go, he holds your hand and walks out the door where the driver is waiting. "The bags are in the porch." Harry says to the driver and opens the back door for you.

You crawl in and wait for him to slide in beside you so that you can crawl onto his lap and hold onto him. "You're a clingy girl today huh?" He grins, kissing your lips and then the tip of your nose.

"M nervous." You whimper, your eyes closing.

"Nothing to be nervous about my beautiful girl. Especially when you're with me." He comforts you. "When we get to the Maldives, you'll forget what you were even nervous to begin with. I heard there's dolphins that swim near our holiday home as well."

Your eyes widen, "Dolphins?" You've never seen a dolphin before.

Harry beams at the thought of taking you somewhere for the first time. It will be the first of many, he thinks.

When you arrive at the airport, Harry's private plane is already waiting on standby. He practically reads your mind as he gets out the car and picks you up to place you on his hip as the driver grabs your bag.

"Lovely day Mr Styles." The pilot, John, nods and Harry agrees, making quiet conversation.

He sets you down on his feet and leans down to kiss your forehead, "Go explore baby," He taps your butt, "I'll be right in with you in a little while."

You nod and walk onto the plane. Your eyes look around in awe at the fancy leather seats and the snack bar in the corner. You almost melt when you see a seat with your name stitched into the head rest. There's also a fluffy blanket and your favourite snacks all placed neatly in a basket and tied with a yellow, silk ribbon.

Harry comes up behind you and wraps his arms around your waist, "When you're brave enough, you can sit there on our holidays."

You relax into his hold, "But for now, you can sit right here." He sits down in his seat and pats his knee. You nearly bounce as you walk to sit down where he wants you. "Good girl." He murmurs into your hair.

"We'll be taking off soon." The pilot talks over the speaker. "I have been told that seating arrangements are already made. Despite protocol, I am not one to risk my job." You giggle and rest into Harry.

"It took some convincing." Harry rolls his eyes.

It doesn't take very long for the plane to rumble as the pilot turns on the engine. You grip onto Harry's hand tightly and squeeze your eyes shut. "There's nothing to be afraid of, m right here and I'm going to keep you safe." Harry hums, you turn your body and mould yourself into him, burying your face in the crook of his neck.

The plane begins to take off and you nearly squeal from the strange sensation of being in the air. It takes a few minutes but eventually everything stills.

"Baby," Harry whispers, "Look out the window."

"Did we crash?" You whimper, your eyes still shut tightly.

Harry laughs, "Not quite."

You slowly turn your head to the side and peek an eye open to see out of the window. You gasp when you take in the clouds and the blue skies. You crawl over Harry and press your nose against the window, looking down and seeing how tiny the world looked from this height.

"Harry!" You gasp, in awe of the view. Harry was holding your hips as you looked out the window, he kissed the bottom of your spine and watched as you watched the world. His heart was bursting at the pure fascination on your face. Every time he thought he couldn't love you anymore, little moments like this proved him wrong.

"Are you excited now baby?" He wonders and you immediately nod.

"It's going to be the best!" You grinned, the excitement of your holiday now taking over after all the anxiety you felt before the flight.

You removed yourself from the window and sat back on his lap, curling yourself into him. He wrapped his arms tightly around you, "You bored of the sky now?" He looked down at you.

"Never." You shook your head. "But you promised you would hold me for the whole flight and I'm prepared to make the most of that promise."

Harry chuckles and doesn't argue with you. He holds you for the entire flight and all the way to the resort. You feel at peace after taking your first flight and spend the holiday soaking up the sun as Harry snaps pictures of you in your bikini.

Harry was right. There was never anything to worry about. Not when you had him to hold you.

currently on my way to the airport for my first ever flight !!!!!! I'm so nervous so I wrote this to provide a little comfort to not only myself but to anyone else who might have flight anxiety or they've never taken a flight before.

I hope you're all doing well!!

Thank you for reading <33

All my love,
Clo xx

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