Chapter 27: Replacement

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After his dance practice, Beomgyu jotted towards the male's bathroom to wash his face at the sink. He dapped towel onto his face and was about to leave when a voice spoke behind him.

"Didn't think you were this kind of person" Beomgyu knew that voice too well. He looked up the mirror and saw the man he used to love leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.

"Taehyun..." he called his name with such longing in his voice, but immediately restrained himself. "Why did you follow me?"

The silver haired ignored his question. "Less than a week after our breakup and you're already latching onto someone new as if whatever happened didn't mean shit to you"

'Why is he talking like that? Is he perhaps... jealous?' Beomgyu thought 'No, no, don't give yourself false hope, Gyu'

"Isn't this too much? Switching from one man to another. Just how desperate are you?"

Beomgyu balled his fist and turned to face Taehyun. "We've already parted ways. Whatever I do is my business. So don't stick your nose in it"

"You said I was the only one you had eyes for back then. Who would've thought... I shouldn't have pitied you after all"

"Enough!" Beomgyu yelled. "All of that are in the past. It's different now, I don't like you anymore, Taehyun"

The younger didn't expect Beomgyu to speak to him this way. It stung to hear every word out of his ex's mouth.

"Are you... serious?" Taehyun asked.

"Yeah, in fact, I have someone new now. He takes care of me really well. So... just get out of my life for good. I hate you!" Beomgyu shouted and pointed at the door, waiting for Taehyun to leave.

Except he didn't move. Taehyun just stood there and observed Beomgyu. His eyes looked down with his head hanging low. His bangs covered his face not showing the glimpse of the real emotion he was feeling. His finger still pointed to the direction of the door but Taehyun didn't flinch at all.

"So you won't leave?" Said Beomgyu. "Fine, if you won't, then I will"

Taehyun didn't say a thing as he watched Beomgyu leave without turning back. He started feeling empty, as if he had lost something important. He shook his head to dismiss the thought. He constantly reminded himself that Beomgyu meant nothing to him and being possessive right now would not bring him any good. He replayed their past conversations they had in his head. They were totally different from today.

"The feelings I have for you is so real and sincere— no matter how hard I try to stop myself"

"Tae... I love you"

"I have someone new"

"I hate you!"

Taehyun tried his best to put on a smile. "You liar... you said you wanted to be with me forever, didn't you?"


Beomgyu didn't know where he was going, but he kept running. He couldn't care less about who he pushed through, or who was calling his name. He needed to get out of here to somewhere quiet.

He couldn't see clearly anymore. The tears blocking his face was getting too much. He aggressively brushed them away with he sleeve and continued running out of campus.

He found a place eventually and sat on the ground, hugging his knees all alone in the alley way.

"I thought I could move on from him but why... why does it hurt so damn bad? Why am I like this?! Why can't I just stop this stupid feeling?!"

Beomgyu tried his best to act as if everything was okay. He lied to himself he was over it while the truth? He was still holding onto him so badly it was making him crazy.

He had been avoiding the younger all week. He even went as far as getting involved with Taehyun's classmate thinking it would help him move on faster. But it didn't, Heeseung could never replace Taehyun— in fact, nobody could ever replace him.

"I still like you a lot... why did you have to reject me? Why did you have to show up now and talk like you were upset about this whole thing as if it wasn't your fault?! You're too cruel..."

During the encounter they shared earlier, Beomgyu tried his best to act tough. He held back from throwing himself into Taehyun's arms again and kiss him like he longed for so long. But instead, he put on a mask and pretend everything was under control and that he had no feelings whatsoever.

'Maybe I should change my major to acting' he bitterly chuckled at the thought.

'I walk my way, you walk your way. Is this really how our story is going to end?'

His heart was aching badly right now. The tears wouldn't stop overflowing, either. How come it takes months to move on from someone you've only dated for a day?

"Please... let me move on from you already. I don't want to be holding onto the person who doesn't value me"

As if mocking Beomgyu, the rain started pouring while sunlight's still out. He didn't budge and chose to stay still, curled up into a ball and sobbing onto his knees. He didn't care if he got all wet.

The male picked up a sound of footsteps approaching him. And all of a sudden, the raindrops knocking on his head stopped.

Gradually, he looked up from his knees, secretly expecting a certain white haired to be holding an umbrella for him.

"Gyu! What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

— only to be disappointed when his eyes were met with a brunette instead.

"I'm fine..."

"What do you mean fine? You're all puffy and sitting all alone under the rain" Heeseung reached one hand out for Beomgyu to hold, to which he grabbed on it and stood up.

"How'd you find me?"

"I asked around and people said they saw you coming this way. Are you okay? Do you need someone to talk to?"

Beomgyu wanted to cry even more. He pulled Heeseung in for a hug and continued sobbing on the taller's shoulders.

"I miss him..."

"Shh... it's okay, cry it all out... I'll be the one to wipe your tears" Heeseung comforted him while running circles on his back.

Their relationship wasn't up to the point you could call dating. They were somewhat in the talking stage. But it looked like it was gonna be hella difficult to move onto the next stage as Beomgyu was still holding onto his past.

"I'm sorry..." said Beomgyu. "I'm sorry that I still like that jerk.."

"'s okay, I understand"

Heeseung held the umbrella in one hand, and a broken Beomgyu on the other. The two stood there in each other's embrace as Heeseung tried making Beomgyu feel better.

But deep down he knew, there was nothing he could do to make Beomgyu move on.

To be continued...

Hi loves <3 thanks for the interactions with this story~ have a nice day :D

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