CHAPTER12: Under the Moonlight

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Warning: smut

"We're here"

Yeonjun's bike came to a halt and parked near the beach. The two youngsters took off their helmets and Soobin was the first to rush towards the sea while the older was slowly trailing behind.

"I haven't been here in ages!" Soobin beamed with a bright smile looking at how far the blue sea stretched more than his eyes could see. He took a deep breath and inhale some fresh air before letting it back out. "Very refreshing"

"I usually come to to relive stress" Yeonjun sat himself down on the sand. "At night times like this, it's peaceful and comforting in a way"

Soobin sat down beside Yeonjun. "You've found a good spot. But... why did you bring me here?"

"You'll see"

The two sat in silence, letting their minds and brains relax as they gazed at the view. They couldn't see well in the dark. But the moon above them was shining brightly and even casted its reflection in the water. Soobin was sure he would definitely come here again.

"The sea at night... is so beautiful" Soobin mumbled.

"It really is beautiful" Yeonjun replied. But instead of looking at the sea, his eyes were locked on the person sitting beside him.



As soon as he turned, Yeonjun grabbed Soobin's face and leaned in to capture his soft pink lips. Soobin was lost of words, his mind still processing what just happened.

Yeonjun's thicker lips devoured Soobin's thinner ones. Not satisfied just yet, his tongue found its way inside Soobin's cavern. The younger closed his eyes, opening his mouth slightly to let Yeonjun in. Two tongues found each other and began battling for dominance, to which Yeonjun won, of course. Soobin let out a slight moan as the older started sucking the insides of his mouth as much as he pleased.

The kiss kept getting more intense by the second. It was their first time kissing on the lips. But somehow it felt as if their bodies became one, like they were meant for each other like this.

After a while, they both pulled away, in need of air. Soobin stared at Yeonjun with so many emotions in his eyes. He couldn't even think straight at the moment.

"You brought me here just to... k-kiss me?"

"Not satisfied, hm? We can go further if you want... there's nobody else here" Yeonjun smirked and leaned in again, but Soobin stopped him.

"No... we really shouldn't"

Yeonjun sat back down and pulled something out of his pocket. "I've got something else for you"

"What?" Soobin got a bad feeling about this.

Yeonjun pulled Soobin onto his lap then reached his hands forward, casually slipping under Soobin's pants.

"Wh-What are you doing?!?" Soobin panicked.

"Shhh... stay still"

Soobin nuzzled his face into Yeonjun's neck when he felt something cold stuffed into his hole down there. His hands grabbed Yeonjun's shoulders tightly to keep balance.

"Aah... what did you just put in there??"

"We'll find out soon enough" Yeonjun pulled back and placed his hands under the youngers chin, pulling him in for another heated kiss. His hands went to the back of Soobin's head and grabbed a fistful of his hair making him open wider, giving Yeonjun more access to explore his mouth once again.

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