CHAPTER 8: Cold Hearted Fairy

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Upon receiving the call, Huening Kai dropped everything he was doing and rushed to see Soobin.

"Soobin-hyung! I'm here- what's wrong? Why are you crying?" The younger hurriedly attended the sobbing male on the bed.

"I'm fine, Hyuka... don't ask"

"You literally called me while bawling your eyes out, and now you're not letting me ask questions? How can I not?!"

Kai stared at the older with worry in his eyes. Soobin seemed depressed. It had happened before, but this was the first time his condition was this bad. His eyes and nose were puffy and red. His raven hair was super messy too.

The blond did his best to soothe him by patting his back, telling him to calm down, and that everything was going to be okay. Soobin seemed to get better after a while. He turned around and took off Yeonjun's blood stained shirt, revealing the marks on his bare back. Kai stared at it with his mouth hanging open. The wounds weren't deep, but that surely hurt a lot.

"Who did this to you?"

Soobin ignored the question. "Can you go fetch the first-aid kit for me?"

"Are you seriously not gonna tell me anything? I'm your best friend, hyung... I just wanna help. Don't you trust me?"

"Of course I trust you. It's just... I don't want to talk to about it"

"It's your dad, isn't it?"

Soobin went silent. Kai took a deep breath, knowing his his guess was correct. "I thought so. How long has he been doing this? Shouldn't you just report him?"

"No! I can't do that... he's my dad, and he was just teaching me a lesson. I deserved it anyways"

"What on earth did you do to get this punishment?"

"Just go get me the stuff, Kai"

The younger could tell Soobin wasn't comfortable sharing it, so he got up and went looking for the first aid kit.

Huening Kai gently dapped cotton onto the wounds before applying antibiotic ointments. Soobin winced at the pain, squeezing his eyes shut.

"Hang in there, hyung... you'll be just fine" the younger finished tending to his wounds and bandaging him up.

"Thanks a lot, Kai... if it weren't for you, I don't know who would've cared for me"

"Awww we've been friends for so long, hyung. Of course I'd always help you" Huening Kai took Soobin's hands in his and gave him a genuine smile.

The dimpled boy was so touched that he pulled the other in for a hug. "I promise to always look out for you, too"

The two best friends stayed and chit-chat until it was time for Kai to go home.


Tomorrow came, and Soobin prepared himself for school as usual. He swung his bag over his shoulders and made his way down the stairs, feeling slightly better than yesterday. However, he stopped on his tracks when his eyes spotted his father sitting on the sofa, waiting for him.

"Where do you think you're going?" The old man asked.

"Nowhere other than school, dad" Soobin replied.

"Don't go"

'What's wrong with him? Am I not allowed to go to school now?!'

"But why?" Soobin tried to surpass his anger and asked calmly.

"I don't trust that you won't get yourself in someone's bed like last time"

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