Chapter 33: Inner Doubts

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"Yes, yes, I'm coming!"

Soobin ran frantically from one customer to another, rushing to get to his coworker. It was yet another busy day at Crown Bar Club.

"I'll wait the tables. You go greet the customers" Chaeryeong said as she took the tray of beer from Soobin's hands and pointed towards the main entrance where a flood of people was flowing in. The male adjusted his mask and ran to show the customers to their tables.

Soobin noticed he hadn't greeted the man who had been sitting for a while and hadn't ordered.

"Sir, what would you like to order?"

"You. Is that on the menu?" the guest replied. Soobin looked up at the familiar voice.


"Yeah? Surprised?" Yeonjun smirked.

"Why are you here...?"

Yeonjun looked displeased. "Am I not welcomed here as a guest? Fine, I can leave"

"No, no, sit down. Anything you'd like to drink?"

"I said you"

Soobin covered his face with the menu card, despite his face already partly covered with the mask.

"I'm not free right now... can't you wait until my shift is over? After that... you can have me all to yourself"

Yeonjun smiled and happily agreed. "Get me some beer for now"

"Sure. Right away" Soobin went back to work. Yeonjun's gaze lingered behind, not taking his eyes off for even a second. Those tight shorts really did a good job exposing his curvy ass. Not to mention that snatched waist was to die for. How could a man look so... attractive in a feminine way? No wonder Crown Bar Club's sales skyrocketed.

Flashing neon lights, EDM music, the smell of alcohol and cigarettes... Yeonjun was brought back to the time he first stepped foot in this place and instantly became interested in the tall pole dancer on stage. Who would've known that same boy is now his property to own, to order around as much as he pleases?

It didn't take long for Soobin to return with a glass of draft beer. "Here's your order. Would you like anything else?"

"Come sit with me?"

The younger looked around. It didn't seem as busy so he complied. "Okay. Just for a minute, though. And I won't drink"

"Come on, what's the harm?" Yeonjun pulled Soobin to sit on his lap and brought the beer close to his lips.

"I can't handle alcohol really well. You know my tolerance isn't high. And I'm at work, I can't"

"Tch" Yeonjun didn't push it further and took a sip of the beverage himself, still keeping the bunny on his lap.

"By the way, what brings you here? And don't just say you came to chill, I know you have other motives"

"Just... wanna come pick my Binnie up from work. So after that, we can... heh, y'know"

Yeonjun didn't elaborate, letting Soobin jump to conclusions himself.

"But... we've done it yesterday, the day before yesterday... and the day before that too. Are you not tired?"

"Every day is a horny day for me"

Soobin went speechless after hearing that.

"... you really have a high libido, don't you, hyung?"

"Don't make it sound like I'm the only one. You're one to talk" Yeonjun whispered in Soobin's ears. "My stick wouldn't keep jumping up unless your hole was begging for it"

Soobin gasped dramatically. "Hyung! What the hell! That's not true!"

"Oh yeah? Then who was whining and begging me to go harder last night?"

"BINNIE!" the colleagues called for Soobin before he could defend himself. Not like there was anything to deny, though.

"I'll be right there!" He yelled back.  "Sorry, gotta go" he got up from the older's lap and walked over to Ryujin.

"Can you check on that table over there? They're out of drinks" she said, referring to a few tables away from where Yeonjun was sitting.

"Sure" he headed over.

"Hello, gentlemen! Seems like you're out of drinks. Would you like to order anything else or call it a night?"

"What?! Can't hear you over the music!" One of the guests replied.

Soobin repeated his words, slightly louder this time.

"Still can't hear you! Come closer"

Soobin sighed internally and scooted closer. "I said, would you like to order anything else or—" Soobin was only halfway through the sentence when the guest smacked his behind, making him stagger forward, leaning his hand on the guest's stomach.

"What are you doing?!" Soobin yelled.

Seizing the opportunity, the perverted guest refused to let go and grabbed hold of his body.

"Let go of me, sir! This isn't appropriate!"

The other guests at the table laughed, enjoying the struggle and stress on Soobin's half-covered face.

"Walking around while wearing little to nothing like this and you expect us to keep calm?" The man started grinding against Soobin shamelessly.

"Please don't"

"Don't you sell your body? How much do I have to pay to get a taste? Just name the price, baby"


Yeonjun who witnessed everything furiously went up,  yanked Soobin away, and wasted no time in punching the douchebag hard. That earned attention from the others in the club.

"Who are you?! How dare you!" The man got up, only to get another harsh blow on the nose, making it bleed.

"I don't care who you lay your hands on, but this kid is mine," Yeonjun said with a deep voice and lounged forward again. Soobin stopped him.

"Enough, hyung. Don't cause a scene here"

Yeonjun turned to face the younger. Soobin kind of wished he would comfort him, tell him everything was okay, that his hyung was here to protect him, but he got none of that. Instead, Yeonjun said nothing and kept glaring at Soobin.

The guest still couldn't endure embarrassment and fought back, to which Yeonjun pushed him away easily. His friends joined in to help, but they were still no match for Yeonjun.

Broken bottles and glasses shattered all around the floor, Soobin couldn't pull Yeonjun away from beating up the group.

The staff reported the incident to the manager, who immediately came to resolve the issue.

"What is going on here?" The music stopped, and the crowd made way for the auburn-haired woman to come through. The sound of her heels clicking on the ground made the men stop fighting.

Yeonjun paused and slowly turned to that voice. His grip on the man loosened, making the pervert fall back to his seat.

Yeji immediately stopped in her tracks too. Her lips parted, yet not a single word came out.

Soobin sensed the strange tension and looked back and forth between the two. Was he missing out on something here? It didn't seem like the right time to ask.

Without a word, Yeonjun grabbed Soobin's hand and dragged him out of the club.

—--•••__+𝘅+__•••- ——
To Be Continued...


Happy Yawnzzn day!!!  <3

>So how are we feeling about this chap?? Any guesses about what's up with 2YJ's ?

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