CHAPTER 4: A Hectic Night

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One special thing about Crown bar club is that the employees use code names during working hours and are required to wear eye masks and optional headbands for three reasons.

One: to make it easy for customers to identify them as staffs

Two: to hide their identities

And finally: they're just simply pretty to look at.

There were nothing wrong with these rules so nobody ever complained. They even preferred it this way.

"Binnie! Take this to that table over there, don't keep them waiting!"

"On it!"

Upon hearing his code name, Soobin hurriedly grabbed the tray and dashed towards a group of customers, serving them.

"Here are your drinks, enjoy" He bowed and rushed towards the entrance, welcoming new comers.

It was a busy day in Crown bar club. People started pouring in after they've heard about a certain male pole dancer in the house.

"What would you like to order?" Soobin pulled a pen on the top of his ear and took out a small note book.

"I need to see that dancer from yesterday. Is he performing tonight?" The man in his thirties said.

Soobin forced a smile. It was the fifth time he heard that question today. "Unfortunately, no, sir. But we do have cooling beverages"

"Then just a glass of beer will do"

"Noted, sir" Soobin hurried of to place the order to his comrade, Lia, who was in charge of making drinks.

"Another one? Do I not get time to breathe?" She complained.

"I know... But we're doing this for money so, just hang in there"

Soobin could barely relax when Ryujin's voice yelled from the distance.

"Binnie!! Come here right now!"

He hurried to see her. Ryujin was standing with a customer. Even if she was wearing an eye mask and her signature monkey headband, he could tell she was pissed about something.

"What is it, Tuk?"

"This man said he won't pay unless he gets to talk to you"

Talk about being a pain in the ass...

"How may I help you sir?" Soobin asked politely.

"Was it you? The one who danced yesterday?"

'Here we go again...'

"That's right, sir"

"How much for one night?"

"Huh?" Soobin and Ryujin looked at each other.

"Perhaps I heard wrong. Could you repeat it again?"

The man raised his voice "I wanna sleep with you, damn it! How much money?!"

Ryujin tried to stop herself from laughing, amused by the scene while Soobin stood there awkwardly.

"Sorry, I don't accept such requests. I'm only serving as a waiter tonight. So you may pay for your drinks and take your leave" he smiled despite wanting to punch that man in the face.

As he was drunk and felt constant headaches, the customer just ended it there and paid the bills before leaving.

"Good way to handle it, Bin" Ryujin complimented. "I was seconds away from beating that douche up. Did he think this was a strip club or something?"

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