CHAPTER18: Temporary Lovers

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"Make me your boyfriend!"

You've gotta be kidding me...

Taehyun's face showed a sign of displeasure. Couldn't say he was surprised, though. There was nothing Beomgyu wouldn't do to get on his nerves at this point.

"Very funny, Choi. You? My boyfriend? No way, keep dreaming" Taehyun turned away and continued walking. Until he heard soft whining from behind. Honestly, Beomgyu was giving him more headaches than the nursery kids he once had to babysit.

"You... you heartless, unsympathetic monster! How could you abandon me after we slept together? Have you no dignity at all?"

Taehyun found it rather amusing. It felt like Beomgyu was a one-night stand asking him to pay for child support. Except, he wasn't actually pregnant.

But then a feeling of guilt started crawling in. He suddenly felt... wrong. Even though the whole thing was caused by Jay and his mischievous shenanigans, Taehyun was also partly to blame. He trusted too easily, letting his guard down even when he knew he shouldn't have. And at the end of the day, it was he who had taken advantage of Beomgyu, not Jay.

Taehyun sighed and turned back to face the crybaby.

"One day"

"Huh?" Beomgyu stopped whining and stared at him.

"I'll be your boyfriend- just for one day" Taehyun felt like digging a hole and burying himself in it. Was he really doing this?

Beomgyu's facial expression changed in a matter of a few seconds. He wasn't expecting Taehyun to actually listen to his silly request, let alone agree to it.

"For real?!" The black-haired squealed, jumping around and clapping like a little child excited to get his new toy.

For the nth time, Taehyun sighed. "Remember, I'm only doing this for today. After the sun sets, we're going back to being strangers. And YOU will stop bothering me, got it?"

"Until the sunset? That's not even 24 hours" protested Beomgyu.

"I don't care. Take it or leave it"

After hearing the white-haired's reply, Beomgyu contemplated again. 'We'll get to be lovers for a day, and strangers after that? As if nothing ever happened? Should I risk it?'

'Heck, yeah. At least Kang Taehyun gets to be mine for a day. Whatever comes afterward... I'll leave that up to fate'

After the discussion with his inner thoughts, Beomgyu happily agreed to the deal.

"It's settled then, honey!" he beamed with a bright smile, with blooming flower effects and all the glittering stars— Taehyun felt like swallowing his words back. It was written all over his face.

"Aw come on!" Beomgyu playfully grabbed Taehyun's arms and clung to it. "We're lovers now. At least make it look like we're a real couple"

Taehyun didn't protest nor push him away. "Fine, just...don't overdo it"

"Shall we go on a date then, darling?" The black haired suggested.

Taehyun forced himself to smile. 'Bear with it' he told himself. 'Just one day and this annoying prick will leave me alone for good'

"Yeah, sure... why do you wanna go?"

"Let's get breakfast. I'm starving"

Taehyun nodded. He reached out to touch his (temporary) boyfriend's hand and awkwardly held it, leading him to find somewhere to eat. Words couldn't express how excited Beomgyu felt. He thought their interactions ended ever since Taehyun walked out of the changing room that day. But wow, who knew things were going to turn out like this?

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