CHAPTER 1: HYBE's Prince

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HYBE University of Arts is known as a prestigious university filled with students with various talents divided into different departments according to their interests and capabilities. Not many students have the opportunity to be accepted to this school, so everyone is constantly working hard to prove themselves deserving of the spot on the list of names.

A loud ringing could be heard once the clock strikes 5pm signaling the end of the day. Students rushed out of their respective classrooms and marched into the hallways to meet their friends or go home. Amongst them stood a tall, skinny male with an exhausted look on his face. A cute pair of specs sitting prettily on his nose making him look adorable despite being worn out from a long hectic day of school.

The boy was nicknamed "HYBE's Prince" for being literally every teacher's pet. Second year of being enrolled in HYBE, he has already left an impact from the meaningful lyrics he had been writing as well as the numerous songs he had composed. To top it off, he has a kind and likeable personality.  The professors and staffs absolutely adore him, so do most of the students in the university.

Little did they know, the boy wasn't as innocent as he seemed.

"Soobin!"  a voice called out from a distance making the ravenette look up from his feet.

"Jungkook-hyung, Dino-hyung!" Soobin hurried to meet the two seniors standing beside the locker.

"Bin, wanna join us at the arcade? I heard they installed a new game" the guy named Jungkook invited.

"I'd love to but..." Soobin hesitated. He loved playing games, but for a reason he had to decline their invitation yet once again. "Sorry, I have class"

"What do you mean class? School's just ended" said Dino, the other guy.

"It's a volunteer activity! I- umm... teach kids! maybe some other time?"

"You work too hard, Soobin. Do you ever make time for yourself at all?" Jungkook complained but did not stop the younger nonetheless.

"I guess I just enjoy helping people" Soobin replied with a smile. "I have to go now, don't wanna be late. See you two around hyungs"

After bidding farewells, Soobin rushed out of the campus heading towards the gate. There stood a blonde male impatiently waiting for him at the exit.

"Soobin-hyung!" The younger male called. "Finally!"

"Kai, what are you doing here?" Soobin was not expecting the younger to stay behind and wait for him.

"I wanted to walk home together with you. It's been a while since we've done that. We could get ice cream and eat along the way as we chat!" said the blonde with enthusiasm.

"That sounds great, Hyuka, but I have stuff to do" Soobin's reply made Kai's smile drop. "Don't tell me you're still working at that place"

Soobin looked down "Yeah... it's not like I have a better choice. You know about my mom's condition. I need to do this for her"

"But I'm worried for you! In that kind of place... what if some bad people were to take advantage of you?"

Soobin just smiled softly and comforted the blonde male, reassuring that everything was fine and that he need not worry about this small problem. Kai felt uneasy but knew there wasn't a thing he could do to change soobin's mind.

After parting ways, Soobin headed the opposite direction to his part time job. Yes, he lied about having to teach kids. He couldn't afford to risk anymore finding out about his secret job. Only his most trusted friend, Hueningkai knew about it.

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