Chapter 21: Stay calm

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I got Lindsay cleaned up as best as I could, stuffing Kleenex down her bra to hopefully slow down her leaking breasts. I wrapped the blanket around her to cover her ruined dress.

"Ready?" I asked, looking down at her. She looked nervous and scared. She didn't know that no one would even glance in her direction.

"No?" She answered but it came out more like a question.

"It's ok, Tesoro. I will be by your side the whole time. I promise no one will look, okay?"

"Okay." she mumbles with a head nod.

I intertwined her hand in mine and we made our way back to the table where Sara was waiting with a still sleeping Nicolas. I felt Lindsay sigh in relief at the sight of Nicolas. I squeezed her hand and brought it up and kissed the back of it. Her cheeks turned a light shade of pink.

"Lorenzo," Lindsay whispered, "since Nicolas is still sleeping, can we just head home and I can feed him there.

"Absolutely, baby. Anything you want."

Thank you Nicolas for sleeping through this chaotic afternoon.

"Are you okay, Mrs. Santos?" Sara asked with a look of concern over her face.

"I will be." Lindsay answers honestly. "Thank you, Sara, thank you so much."

"No need to thank me, ma'am, I was just doing my job."

Suddenly Lindsay let go of my hand and launched forward to hug Sara. Sara was so surprised by Lindsay's actions that it took her a moment before she returned the hug.

"That was more than just your duty and you know it." Lindsay told her matter of factly, as they embraced. Lindsay whispered something in her ear then pulled away from Sara.

"Thank you, Mrs. Santos." Sara said with a surprised look on her face, to which Lindsay responded with a wink.

'Thank you' for what?

"Ready to go, Tesoro?" I ask, knowing we were on borrowed time and Nicolas could wake at any moment.

"Yes, we should get going. Bye Sara." Lindsay says as she readjusts the blanket over her shoulders.

I grab Lindsay's hand again and push the stroller with my other hand. The restaurant glass doors are once again opened for us by the gloved doorman.

"Enjoy the rest of your day, Mr. and Mrs. Santos." The man says with a nod, as we pass. His eyes thankfully didn't linger on Lindsay's attire.

We walked the short distance to Antonio and the waiting car. Nicolas stayed sleeping as we all climbed in.

Antonio gave me a questioning look when he saw Lindsay in her disheveled state. I shook my head and he knew right away not to say anything.

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