Chapter 17: Strip

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Lorenzo POV

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Lorenzo POV

"What did you say, Tesoro?" I asked Lindsay. I had to make sure I heard her correctly.

"I said, why don't you join us? There is plenty of room. I'm sure we have had lots of baths before, right?" she asked with a smile, not knowing obviously that we have never shared any baths before.

"Are you sure, I don't want to crowd you or interrupt you feeding Nicolas." I was desperately trying to get out of sharing a bath with Lindsay. It's not that she wasn't beautiful, feeding my son with her full body, her hair tied up out of her face, it's just that in my mind she was still a stranger. I have to keep reminding myself that in her eyes we were happily married.

"Are you kidding me, have you seen the size of this tub? There is room for a baseball team." She jokes with a chuckle. "And Nicolas and I would love to have you in here with us. PLEASE."

"If you are sure, I will go get my pajamas."

"Yes, go, be quick. We are waiting for you." She replied, happily.

I turn and leave the bathroom quickly. Well I guess this is happening, and I only have myself to blame for this. FUCK! I quickly grabbed my pj bottoms from our closet. The faster I get in there, the faster I can get out.

I returned to the bathroom and put my clean clothes on the vanity with Lindsays. I grabbed our towels and put them on a stool that was beside the tub. I looked over and Nicolas had melted into Lindsay with his eyes closed. He still had her nipple in his mouth so he must have just fallen asleep. Maybe I could get out of this bath after all?

"HI, Tesoro," I whispered, not wanting to wake Nicolas. "How long has he been out for?"

"Only a few minutes." Lindsay answered back.

"Is he still nursing?"

"I think so, let me see."

I watched her because I had no idea what she meant. He was either nursing or he wasn't. She cradled him but gently pulled her breast away from his mouth. I was secretly hoping he would stay sleeping and he would be my ticket out of this room. I watched Nicolas for any signs that he would wake, but his only movement was his little mouth that continued to make the sucking motion but thankfully his eyes stayed closed. Thank you Nicolas. I owe you one buddy!

"How about I take Nicolas, get some pjs on him and put him to bed. You can take your time getting out and get dressed." I paused, hoping she would take the bait. "I know you probably don't get too much time for yourself, Tesoro. You deserve some time to yourself too." I sweetened the deal.

She exhaled a big breath. "Oh, um, okay." she replied sadly. She looked crestfallen. Fuck. I can't get anything right! But I need to get my head together, especially since we are spending the weekend together. "If you are sure?" She asked, probably wanting to see if I was serious.

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