Chapter 9: Roman

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Lindsay POV

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Lindsay POV

Using a private elevator we made our way to the underground parking lot where Lorenzo told me that an SUV would be waiting. I was beyond nervous. I had no idea what was waiting for me. I squeezed the diaper bag into a hug, hoping Lorenzo wouldn't notice that I was shaking.


The elevator doors opened to reveal a black SUV that was indeed waiting for us. I followed Lorenzo as he walked toward the vehicle.

There was a man standing beside the SUV. He was wearing a perfectly tailored suit. "Mr. Santos, Mrs. Santos," the man said to Lorenzo and I as he opened the back door for us to get in.

I looked between the man and my husband, hoping that Lorenzo would get the hint that I didn't know who he was.

"Oh, Tesoro, this is my driver, Antonio," Lorenzo explained.

"Hi, Antonio," I whispered with a little wave of my hand and quickly got in the SUV. Having a driver definitely didn't help my nervousness. I hopped over Nicolas' car seat base and put my seatbelt on. 

Lorenzo and Antonio exchanged a few words then Lorenzo climbed up and snapped Nicolas's car seat into the base, then sat in his own seat. Antonio closed the door for Lorenzo and hopped into the driver's seat and pulled out of the parking garage. Lorenzo was busy on his phone. I kept looking all around, trying to remember anything. I was hoping that seeing something familiar might trigger a memory. I eventually gave up because as hard as I tried to remember, nothing was coming to me.

It had been about thirty minutes when I noticed that traffic was starting to thin and there were more trees and less buildings. Antonio turned left onto a cobblestone driveway. He stopped at a large iron gate, rolled down his window and talked to a man that was standing at the gate.

After a brief conversation, the gates opened up and our SUV rolled through and proceeded up the drive into a circular driveway that had a beautiful fountain in the middle. Wow.

Antonio drove up right to the front door of the massive estate. This was unbelievable. I can't believe that I live here. I noticed that there were multiple men and women waiting on the stairs. The ten men were dressed in suits, just like Lorenzo and his brother wore. The five women wore maids' outfits.

Our doors were quickly opened. I looked over at Lorenzo to see him unclicking Nicolas' car seat. I didn't know what to do. He must have sensed my hesitation and said, "Meet me at the stairs."

"Oh, ok." I answered back then I climbed out of the SUV and walked slowly toward the bottom of the stairs. I was so anxious, I held the diaper bag close to my chest, trying to calm my nerves.

Lorenzo approached me, holding Nicolas' car seat and we climbed the stairs together. I kept my eyes on the stairs in front of me, I definitely didn't want to trip and embarrass myself. Suddenly the diaper bag was snatched out of my hands by one of the maids. I was so caught off guard that I didn't put up a fight, I simply just let it go. I looked from the young maid who had walked into the house, to my husband, hoping he could help me put the pieces together.

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