I Love You

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"It's stupid, really," I mumbled into Bakugo's shoulder.

"If it made you feel this way, it's not stupid." I wish I could agree with that, but I don't. I feel stupid.

I pulled my head away from his shoulder. I sat up a little so I could talk to him better. I'm not leaving his lap, though. I missed the feeling of him holding me like this. "He told me that he wasn't gay. I forced him into it and pushed myself on him. I apparently manipulated him into thinking he was gay... and then he accused me of doing the same thing to you."

His grip tightened on my waist. "You know you didn't, right? I told you before that a part of me always knew. A part of my parents always did too. You didn't force me or manipulate me to come out. All you did was help me figure out who I really am and who I'm meant to be."

"I know," I smiled sadly. "It just hurt to hear it. Then because I have terrible anxiety, it's been eating away at me since he told me. I didn't want to push my problems onto you."

"Baby," he whispered before dropping his forehead against mine. I wanted to tell him not to lean on my greasy hair because I hadn't showered in four days, but I doubt he cared. "Never be scared to talk to me about your problems or feelings. I would always rather you talk to me than leave me. I hate how empty our apartment is without you. It feels bigger, and it's a lot quieter. I can't stand it."

I know the feeling. I hated when he left for work because of that. "I'm sorry," I whispered.

"It's okay. You're allowed to feel what you feel and process it how you need to. Just remember that I am always here for you-" he acted like he was going to say something else but paused. He took a deep breath and locked his eyes on mine. I could feel his heartbeat picking up against my side. "-and I love you."

Tears rolled down my face as I choked back a sob. He loves me? Holy fuck, he said he loves me. I leaned toward him and pressed my lips against his briefly. "I love you too," I whispered.

"Is that the only kiss I get?" he asked with a cocked brow.

"Until I brush my teeth again, yes." I chuckled nervously. I haven't brushed my teeth since yesterday morning. I won't kiss him like he wants me to until I brush them.

"Izuku," I shivered when he said my first name. It sounds so good coming from his mouth. "I want you to come home. If you're not ready to right now, that's okay. I just needed to tell you how I felt about everything."


It sounds like a foreign word to me. I've never had a place to call home. Nothing has ever truly been mine. I've always been a roommate in someone else's home. I don't think I've been his roommate for a while now.

"Home," I mumbled with a small smile. "Take me home."

He pulled me close to him again and hugged me tightly. Truthfully, I don't care where we go or what we call home. My home is right here in his arms.

"Wait, do we have to go directly home?" I asked him.

He laughed against my shoulder. "You're about to ask if we can go to your favorite store, aren't you?"

"Well, we're already in the city, and I haven't left this bedroom, and I-"

"It's about to get dark, and I believe they close earlier in the day, so they might already be closed." Crap, he's right. If it's getting dark, they've been closed for a few hours at least. "We can come back later this week or sometime next week."

I pulled away from him before turning to set my feet on the floor. I didn't want to leave his warm embrace but wanted to go home. "I'm going to run the trash and dishes downstairs."

"I can start gathering your stuff if you want me to. I assume all the clothes on the bed and floor are yours?"

"You would be correct. Todoroki couldn't pull off half of these colors." I laughed. He's my best friend, and I love him, but I don't think he would rock the pink and teal crop tops I wear.

While he picked up my clothes, I tucked the three cups in my arm before grabbing the stack of ice cream tubs. I carefully opened the door and began my journey down the stairs. I didn't realize how stuffy that room was until I left it. I guess that's what happens when you shut yourself away for days.

"Hey," Todoroki said softly as I stepped into the kitchen. "How'd it go?"

"I'm going home, so I guess it went alright," I said. He grabbed the cups from my arms while I put the empty containers in the trash. "I'm cleaning up the room now, and then I'll toss your bedding into the washer."

"Don't worry about it. The maid will be here tomorrow. I'll have her do it when she washes Natsuo's."

"Are you sure? It will only take me a few minutes."

He shrugged. "I'm going to head out in a bit, so I won't be here to put it in the dryer. Seriously, it's fine."

I eyed him suspiciously. "Where are you going?" Our friends were busy, and he never headed out this late in the evening.

"To see my brother and give him money for the canteen," he sighed. "I can't see him until the morning, but it's a five-hour drive. I think I'm going to head up and get a hotel for the night since you're going home. I don't want to wake up and drive there at four in the morning."

I was going to ask what Touya did to land himself back in jail, but I don't think I care anymore. I don't have the energy to pretend I care anymore. "You'll text me when you get to the hotel, right?"

He nodded. "Are you feeling better now?"

"Much better," I replied. I want to tell him all about it, but not tonight. He should get going soon if he wants to head upstate right now. Plus, I desperately want to go home and take a shower. "Can I take you out to dinner this weekend to say thanks? I can tell you more about everything then."

"You don't have to take me out to dinner," he countered.

He always does that. Since his father has an endless supply of money, he doesn't like to accept money from anyone else. "Stop trying to prevent me from spending money on you. I want to take you out to dinner to say thank you."

"Just let me know what days you're off," he sighed in defeat.

I smiled victoriously. "Thank you for letting me stay and putting up with my bullshit. I love you,"

"I love you too, my dramatic and crazy-ass best friend," he chuckled. "Now, go get the rest of your shit so you can leave."

I raced back up the stairs to see Bakugo had gathered most of it. I just had to grab my charger and a few small things scattered on the tables and in the bathroom. After that, we carried everything out to the car and were officially on the way home.

We didn't talk much on the way home. We flipped through radio stations, singing happily to whatever music filled the truck. I know I'm still in my pajamas and haven't showered in about four days, but I've never felt happier or free.

I know I'm not fully healed from my ex. I don't know if I ever will be, but that's okay. Because Bakugo loves me for who I am, even if I have that baggage, and that's enough for me.

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