A Hill Worth Dying On

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Mini Splurge Chapter 3/4


My heart raced in my chest as I stared at Bakugo's mother. I probably should have thought about where we were before kissing him like that. I feel like we should have told her first before she found us almost making out in her kitchen.

"I take it things have evolved from roommates?" She asked with a smile. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding when she smiled.

"Is that not obvious?" Bakugo asked from beside me. I dug my elbow into his ribcage, earning a scowl.

His mother walked toward us with a frown. "Although I am happy for you both, your father will not be," she warned. "You need to pick if this is a hill you're willing to die on."

Bakugo scoffed while reaching for my hand. "My relationship with Midoriya is always a hill that will be worth dying on." My heart melted when he said that. I seriously have no idea how I got so lucky to have someone like him.

Her smile melted my heart even more. "Katsuki, I'm so proud of you. Sometime when I wasn't paying attention, you grew into a fine young man." Bakugo didn't say anything in reply, but I saw his cheeks turn a deep shade of red. "Can you grab your father while your boyfriend helps me get everything to the table? Don't tell your father yet. Let's at least get through some of our dinner before he goes crazy."

Bakugo looked at me, silently asking me if I was comfortable with being left alone with his mother. I nodded before he brought my hand up to his lips, placing a gentle kiss on the top of my hand.

"I'll be back," he said before leaving the kitchen.

His mother waited until we couldn't hear his footsteps anymore before turning to me. "His father is very traditional, so things are going to get ugly," she said warningly.

"I can handle it." I shrugged. I told Bakugo that the first time, and I still mean it. I can handle it, but I won't like to.

"He's not going to be anything like he was last time. When he finds out that Katsuki came out, despite him trying everything in his power not to let that happen, he's going to snap." She explained while handing me the salad to take to the table.

"Did he always know that his son might not be straight?" I asked. Bakugo assumed they did after he realized it himself, but I have to know.

She nodded her head. "When Katsuki was a kid, he had a friend named Raiki. He was oddly close to him." That must be the boy he showed me a photo of when they were kids. "One day, his father saw them kiss while playing outside. After that, he promoted the kid's dad and relocated them to Canada."

"That's horrible..." That's why she kept telling him he'll remember one day. If she had told him, it probably would have made him question his sexuality.

"I never cared whether or not he was gay. The only thing I ever wanted for my son was to be happy. As long as he isn't hanging out with Dabi and his gang and getting into trouble anymore, I don't care what he does." She stopped talking when we heard Bakugo and his father approaching.

She reheated some of the food in the microwave before I helped her carry the rest of it to the dining room. When Bakugo's dad saw me, he scowled and turned to his son.

"Didn't I tell you to come alone this time?" He asked furiously. "This is supposed to be a family dinner."

"Sorry, I must have missed that memo," he shrugged in reply.

We all sat down and filled our plates with green beans, mashed potatoes, a fruit mixture, and steak before passing the salad around the table. Once our plates were filled, Bakugo's father decided to open his mouth again.

RoommatesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon