My Idiot Roommate

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"What the hell is wrong with you?" I yelled. "We weren't doing anything inappropriate!" Bakugo's eyes stayed focused on me, but he didn't say anything. His fists were clenched by his side, and the vein on his forehead was popping out.

What the hell does he have to be so mad about? We weren't making out, we were fully clothed, and this was actually a decent guy. Who the hell is he to scare away every guy I bring around?

"Answer me!" I yelled. His red eyes stayed focused on me, but he still didn't reply. "Why do you chase away everyone I bring around? I respected your fucking rules!" My voice cracked while I tried holding my tears in. It wasn't fair. I should be able to have people over without him blowing a fuse. He's supposed to be at work anyway. Why the hell is he even home?

"You know, I used to be happy with living here." I grabbed the plates off the ottoman and slowly walked to the kitchen. If he wasn't going to answer me, I wasn't going to waste my time. We weren't going to stand here in silence and have a staring contest with each other. It was stupid.

"What are you wearing?" Bakugo asked with a heavy sigh as he walked into the kitchen.

"You're going to ignore everything I say, just to ask what I'm wearing?" I scoffed. I waited for his answer while scooping the food from the plates into the trash. This was supposed to be a fun evening. It wasn't supposed to go like this at all.

"For now, yes." He shrugged. The squeak of a cabinet opened, and I immediately knew what he was reaching for. There was only one cabinet in this entire kitchen that squeaked like that.

"I'm wearing sweats and a t-shirt." I scoffed while grabbing a glass for him. "Why does it matter?"

His soft eyes focused on mine as he grabbed the glass from my hand. He didn't hesitate to open the bottle of whiskey and fill the glass. His tie was loosened around his neck, and his shirt's top two buttons were undone. It was always hard to contain myself when he was in a suit. Now, it's even harder when it's messed up like that.

"I've never seen you wear sweats before. You usually have a matching silk lounge set on if you're going for a lazy day." He shrugged before walking to the table and sitting in the furthest chair.

After everything he just did, he wants to talk about my outfit. He's more complicated and dramatic than half of the guys I've met. Regardless, I wanted to talk about why he did what he did, so I should probably amuse him first and answer his question. That's probably going to be the only way that he answers mine.

"I'm not ashamed of who I am." I sighed while taking a seat across from him. "Sometimes, I'm not prepared to throw myself at someone like that, though. Not everyone understands or appreciates my fashion sense, use of accessories, my lip gloss, or the occasional highlighter on my face." I know it sounds silly since I am confident in who I am, but I've had too many guys say no and walk away because I'm too much for them.

"So you're going to change yourself for a guy?" Bakugo scoffed before taking a drink from his glass. "Or do you plan to date them for a while, fall in love, and get upset when they leave because you aren't who they thought you were?"

Ouch. Hearing that hurt more than it should have. Mainly because he was right. Both of those things have happened. I'm so desperate for love that I do stupid stuff all of the time. I've never seen myself as loveable. If I let someone get to know me personally, I hide certain parts of my life. If I show those certain parts of my life, I hide who I am personally.

"One day, someone will love you for who you are and what you have." He whispered. "Don't sell yourself short like this."

"I'll never find someone if you keep chasing them out the damn door." I snapped. Now that I answered his questions, it's time for him to answer mine.

"Stop bringing guys around that don't care about you." He shrugged. His eyes focused on mine. His pupils were dilated as they roamed my face.

"I'll never know if they care about me or not if you keep acting like you do. You either chase them out of the house or stare daggers at them at the bar until they're uncomfortable."

"Stop hanging around idiot guys who have a different guy in their bed every other fucking night." His voice was firm. He was starting to remind me of my mother. She always said the same stuff, although she never chased them away like he did.

"I think it's up to me to decide whether or not they're idiots, Bakugo. If you keep doing shit like this, I will move out." Moving out was the last thing I wanted, but I'm starting to think it's the wiser choice. If Bakugo and I want to continue to be friends, we can't keep straining our relationship like this.

"Maybe you should." Three words. It took three words to shatter my heart. He agreed so quickly, and my mind was racing because of it.

Was this his goal the whole time? Did he secretly have a problem with me being gay? Did he purposely chase all of these guys away because he wanted me to leave? Am I that bad of a fucking roommate?

"You know, you could have been honest from the start." I choked out. Tears formed in my eyes, and I had to get out of here. "If you didn't want me living with you, you should have told me."

"It's not that I don't want you to live-" I held my hand up and silenced him.

"I'll find a new place before next month." I quickly walked out of the kitchen and to my room. I kicked the door shut behind me before grabbing my phone from the charger. The tears finally fell free while I dialed my best friend's number.

Todoroki answered on the second ring.

"Hey, Midoriya." He said quietly. "What's up?"

"Are you busy?" I tried to hold back my sobs. I didn't need him to know I was crying. I don't want to have to tell him that Bakugo hurt me this bad.

"I was about to go to a late lunch with Uraraka and Iida, but that's about it."

"Can I come? I need to get out of here." I walked into my closet and looked through the clothes hanging up. It took less than five seconds to put together a random outfit.

"Yeah, of course." He replied. "Do you want to come to the city, or should we come to you?" Todoroki asked.

"Can I stay with you tonight?" He went silent for a moment, contemplating.

"You can, but Touya got evicted, so he's back at home with us right now." He said nervously.

"I don't care." Seeing Touya wasn't in the top ten things I wanted to do, but I would rather see him than stay here with Bakugo.

"You're always welcome to stay with us. You know that." He reassured. I've never been more thankful to have amazing friends. I have no clue what I would do without them.

"Text me where to meet you guys. I'll be on the way in less than five minutes."

"Five real minutes, or five Midoriya minutes?" I chuckled while kicking my pants to the ground. Despite not having a lot to my appearance, it took forever to do something with my unruly curls and pick out accessories.

"Five real minutes," I replied. "I'll see you soon."

"See you soon." When he ended the call, I dropped my phone on the bed. Hopefully, this night away from Bakugo will make him realize how wrong he is. However, I still don't know if I want to stay here. Even if he apologizes and admits how much he's messed up, I don't think he's going to change. I don't think I can live with someone who won't let me live my life.

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