When Anger Wins

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"I'm not understanding why you stopped bringing in the money." A large file was dropped on the table in front of me. "You used to convince over sixty percent of people to start paying back their debt. Now, you're sitting at fourteen percent." My fists were clenched so tightly on the top of my legs that my knuckles were turning white. I hate my job. Actually, hate isn't strong enough of a word. I despise this job and everything about it. My bosses, my co-workers, my clients, absolutely everything.

"Are you going to say anything, or are you going to sit there with your thumb up your ass?" He growled.

"You wanted me to hit my quota. I can't hit the damn quota and still bring in that amount of money." I snapped. "Setting up payment plans, automatic billing, getting their information, and shit like that takes time. I can't do it all in thirty seconds." He glared at me from across the table.

"Is that so?" He asked.

"You're going to have to pick which one is more important. The money, or the quota." I slide the file back over to him. I don't care to look at it.

"I want you to do both. You've proven that you can do both, and now, I want them both done simultaneously." He informed me. "If you need to log some extra hours to do so, then do it."

"That's not going to happen." I pushed the seat back and quickly stood up. I'm not doing this with him anymore. The longer I sit in here and argue with him, the more I'm going to miss my quota.

"And why not?" He asked loudly.

"I agreed to this job for pay and benefits," I replied. "I didn't agree to sell my soul for this company. I didn't agree to give you my free time."

"The overtime is mandatory. Ten-hour days, five days a week, or eight-hour days, six days a week." He countered. Rage ran through my veins as I stared him down across the table. Did I really need this job? I had three months of vacation saved up that I had been rolling over for years. I could use that money as a cushion while I found another job. I don't need this shit in my life. I don't care if I make less money in the future. I just want to do something that doesn't make me hate my life.

"I quit." I shrugged. "Find someone else who is willing to kill themselves for this company because I'm not." His eyes widened as I spoke. He's used to bullying people into getting what he wants, but it won't work with me. I know my worth.

"If you quit now, you'll lose your benefits, sick time, and vacation time." He informed.

"I'll lose my sick time and benefits, but not my vacation time. It's against the law to keep that from me. If you even try, you'll be hearing from my lawyer." I ripped open the door, careful to keep it from banging on the wall behind it. I don't want to give him a reason to hold my last paycheck, even if breaking everything in my path sounds good. "I expect to be on my final paycheck." I walked through the open door and to my cubical.

I didn't have a lot of stuff at my desk, so packing it up was easy. I went through all my files and pulled out anything that belonged to the company. When I was done, I grabbed the empty cardboard file box and tossed my personal belongings into it. I brought it myself for organization, so it's technically mine.

It took me maybe ten minutes to pack up my belongings. In those ten minutes, nobody approached me. Nobody said anything. I felt everyone's eyes on me, but they knew me. They could tell when I was mad and when they needed to stay away. At least they were fucking smart enough to know that this was one of those times they needed to stay the fuck away from me.

When my entire work life was packed into one box, I walked through the office and out the front door. I don't care enough about anybody in this building to stay and say goodbye and shit. It was raining when I left for work this morning, and it is raining now. Since Midoriya had to pick me up in the pouring rain last time, I haven't forgotten to check the weather channel.

I walked across the parking lot quickly while fishing my keys out of my pocket. I unlocked my truck and tossed the box in the passenger seat before walking to the other side. When I was buckled in, and my truck was started, I peeled out of the parking lot as quickly as I could. My tires skidded on the wet pavement, almost causing me to fishtail onto the street.

I drove home quickly, not caring about the speed limit. I weaved in and out of traffic as I went down the main road. I wasn't sure if I was driving like an idiot to escape my job or to get home to Midoriya. Either way, I was relieved when I pulled up to the front of the apartment, safe and sound.

I looked over at the box sitting next to me. I didn't have anything super important in there, but it was still raining. Do I want to get everything wetter than it already is? I don't care what the answer is going to be. I just wanted to get inside. I ripped my keys out of the ignition and unclipped my seat belt. I left the box abandoned in the seat as I hopped out of my truck and ran through the rain. While racing up the stairs, I loosened my tie. I can't wait to never have to put on this damn suit again.

When I opened the front door, I was expecting my anger to fade when I was met with Midoriya. However, that was not the case. It grew worse inside me as I watched him locking lips with a guy I'd never seen before. How many fucking guys did he know? How many more people would I have to watch him kiss or hook up with?

"Bakugo?" He said suddenly as he flew off the couch. I tried to calm myself down as my eyes connected with his. His clothes were on, and the only part of them that was touching was their lips. It didn't look like a heavy make-out session, considering his date had a plate of food in his lap. However, I couldn't calm myself down. I couldn't fucking think straight when he had another guy around.

"Get out," I ordered the random guy on the couch. "You can take the food with you, but leave."

"Wait a damn second!" Midoriya interjected. "He doesn't have to leave."

"Yes, he does." I snapped back. "I can't fucking deal with this right now."

"It's fine," The guy on the couch said while handing his plate to Midoriya. "Call me later." He frowned. For some reason, that frown made me happier than it should have.

"I'm so sorry," Midoriya apologized to him.

I stepped further into the apartment, leaving the door open for his guest to go. He avoided looking at me while standing up and grabbing his shoes. He walked out of the apartment and softly shut the door behind him. As soon as the door was shut, my eyes locked with Midoriya's. He has the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen, but I've never seen them like this. His eyes were focused on mine, and I could feel his rage, disappointment, and disgust as he glared at me from across the room.

RoommatesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora