Another Thing for the List

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Chapter 2/4 for the mini splurge!


"You're going to tell them, right?" Midoriya asked me for the tenth time since we started getting ready to go to my parent's house.

I took a deep breath to calm myself down. I know his ex gave him a lot of trauma. He told me about it but didn't give me any specific details. He was pushed around, abandoned, ignored, neglected, and made fun of by his ex. He didn't want the world to know he was gay like Midoriya did, so he hid it. Whenever they were together, he made fun of him publicly and made him feel worthless.

Thinking about it now makes my head spin in rage.

I turned toward him and grabbed his waist to pull him close to me. "I will yell it at the top of my lungs everywhere we go if you want me to."

He chuckled while wrapping his arms around my neck. "You don't need to do that," he smiled. "I just wanted to make sure that we're still on the same page."

"I promise that it doesn't matter how many times you ask; the answer will always be the same. You're my boyfriend, and I can't fucking wait to show you off to anyone we see." He smiled widely before pushing himself to his toes to kiss me. It was meant to be quick, but I wanted more.

When he fell back on his heel to separate the kiss, I chased his lips and kept them firmly pressed against mine. Sometimes I think his lip gloss has something addictive in it because when he wears it, it's hard to stop kissing him. It also turns me on quicker than I would like to admit.

I let our lips move together slowly for another minute before I pulled away from the kiss. If I didn't stop now, we would skip seeing my parents and just get naked instead. Not that I'm opposed to taking his clothes off, but my parents would kill me if I canceled an hour before I was supposed to be there. Plus, I told my mom I was bringing Midoriya, and she's excited to see him again. Just like I do, she loves how easily he can get under my father's skin.

"We should go," Midoriya mumbled nervously while slowly pulling his arms away from me.

I hated seeing the nervousness on his face. He wanted to tell my parents about us but was terrified about their reaction. Well, my dad's reaction, anyway. He made his feelings about Midoriya very clear the last time he met him.

I set my fingers on the bottom of his chin and tilted his head up. "It doesn't matter what my dad says or how he feels. At the end of the night, we'll still crawl into the same bed when we get home."

"And get naked?" Leave it to him to turn something sexual when I was trying to be sincere. "Give each other the best blow jobs in the world?"

"I'll tell you what," I smirked. "If you can be in that car in less than five minutes so we can leave, I'll do something better than just give you a blowjob when we get home."

His eyes widened in both surprise and curiosity. "Y-Yeah?" He stuttered. He took a minute to collect himself before talking again. "Like what?"

I stepped forward to close the distance between us and leaned down to his ear. "After we visit my parents and stop by the shop to see your friends for a little while, we're going to come home, and I am going to fuck you, Izuku."

He moaned softly into my chest. God, I love that I have that effect on him.

"I can't wait to come back home," he sighed.

"The faster we leave, the faster we can be home." I reminded. "How much longer until you're ready?"

"I need to grab something from my room. Give me maybe two or three minutes, and I'll be ready. I'll meet you in the car."

He gave me a quick kiss before turning and running toward the bedrooms. I don't care if it takes him another ten minutes. I'm still going to fuck him when we get home. However, he doesn't need to know that.


"Mom?" I yelled as Midoriya and I stepped into my parent's house. After a few seconds, she came rushing into the room with her phone pressed to her ear.

She covered the bottom half of her phone with her hand and frowned. "I'm on the phone with a client and didn't have the chance to finish the salad. I should be done with this call in less than five minutes. You two can head to the kitchen if you want," she whispered.

I nodded my head before she went back toward the living room. If she's on the phone with a client, she hasn't told dad that dinner's almost ready. He's probably upstairs in his office.

"Want to help me finish the salad?" I asked Midoriya while reaching for his hand.

He nodded his head with a smile as his fingers tangled with mine. I led him through the house and into the large kitchen. I came to a sudden halt when I saw the state of my mother's favorite room. How long has she been on that phone call?

"Is this where you get your messiness from when you cook?" Midoriya asked with a chuckle.

I nudged my shoulder into him. "My mother usually isn't messy like this. She's probably been on the phone all day and was trying to make most of the food with one hand." There were dishes scattered around the kitchen and some sort of food on almost every surface. It looks like a tornado went through the room. The calming soft music coming from the radio made me want to laugh. It feels like there should be battle music playing right now.

"How about you finish the salad while I clean up a bit?" He suggested. Add his selflessness and kindness to the long list of things I love about him.

After kissing his cheek quickly, we got to work. While I was busy chopping carrots for the salad, he worked on putting the dishes into the dishwasher. Every time I snuck a glance at him, he was dancing or swaying his lips to the classical music—another thing for the list.

After five minutes, we were both done with our tasks, and after another three or four minutes, the counters and floor were clean too, and my mother still wasn't done with her phone call.

"If she isn't done in ten minutes, we're going to leave." I informed my boyfriend. Just like him, I didn't want to stay here any longer than we had to. I'm looking forward to getting home later.

"As much as waiting sucks, we're not going to miss dinner." He chuckled while reaching out to grab my hands. I took a minute to admire his outfit of the day. He offered to tone it down to come here, but I told him no. He doesn't need to tone himself down for anyone, especially my parents.

He was wearing dark blue fitted jeans with holes scattered across both legs. I love his usual white jeans that he wears, but I love the way these cling to his ass. His shirt today is one I haven't seen before. The light pink shirt ended roughly two inches above his pant line, showing off his tan, toned stomach. It has one swirly line on the front that kind of resembles a rose. In addition to his usual lip gloss, his cheeks shimmered when the light landed on them directly.

He's so fucking perfect.

He flashed me an innocent smile before lifting my arm in the air, using it to help him twirl. "What are you doing?" I asked with a laugh.

"Making you dance with me, what else would I be doing?" Although dancing isn't something I like doing, I can humor him for a couple of seconds. With his hand still in mine, I pulled him close to me.

"I prefer dancing like this," I mumbled while wrapping my arms around his waist and forcing him to sway to the music with me. "It gives me a reason to hold you close to me."

"You don't need a reason to hold me close. You can do that anytime, just because you want to."

"Just like you can kiss me at any time," I replied.

"Is this your way of asking me to kiss you?" It was more of a reminder that I'm not hiding our relationship since he needs a lot of reassurance, but I'll never say no to his kisses.

"Maybe." He didn't hesitate to push himself to the balls of his feet to connect our lips. My grip around his waist tightened as I pushed forward to deepen the kiss.

"Well, isn't this sickeningly adorable?"

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