He Doesn't Need to Know

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"What's wrong?" I asked. Bakugo was freaking out in the driver's seat right now, and I had no idea why.

"Can you look up the closest car wash to us?" He asked. I grabbed my bag off the floor and dug through it for my phone. I pulled it out quickly and looked up a gas station. We were pretty much out of city limits, and I know there weren't any gas stations on the main highway.

"About half a mile up the road, take a right. There's a truck stop about a mile down that road on the left-hand side." I explained. When we got closer to the road, I pointed to where he needed to turn. He turned right before laying on the gas again. I'm not sure how fast we were going, but I'm positive it was over the speed limit. We were at the gas station in less than a minute.

Bakugo pulled around to the back of the building by the dumpster and jumped out of his truck immediately. I followed his lead and got out. He is very freaked out, and I have no idea why.

"What's going on?" I asked. Bakugo walked to his gas cap, opened it, and inspected it carefully.

"Look around for a bug or a tracker of some sort." He ordered. "If he didn't follow me, jump me, or slash my tires, there's a good chance he wants to know where I live without me knowing he knows."

"The truck was locked, right?" I asked. He nodded his head before opening his tailgate. If the truck was locked, anything under the hood was out of the question. I let out a heavy sigh and lifted my shirt over my head. I'm not lying down on the dirty ground in one of my favorite shirts. I tossed my shirt on my seat and laid on my back. I used the flashlight from my phone to look around the frame and the back of the tires.

Would Touya go this far? As far as I knew, he was all bark and no bite. However, I know the grudge he holds against Bakugo. He didn't tell me who he was, but he told me everything he did. He had a serious grudge against him because he chose to leave them behind and better his life. I pulled myself out from under the truck and walked to the other side while Bakugo continued searching the bed and tailgate of the truck.

I traced my hand along the frame for a few seconds before finding a small rusted spot. I reached my hand up further before feeling a small circle. It could be because the area was rusted, but I'm not sure. I turned my flashlight off and pulled up my camera. I couldn't see it, so I had to snap a picture of it. If it was rust, I didn't want to pull it off.

After taking the picture, I pulled my phone back to my face. It was a small white circle that I recognized immediately. I had one sitting at home that I often used when I traveled or went to a sketchy area. I reached up and pulled it down. I struggled for a minute, but it eventually came free. It must have been glued on because that wasn't easy to rip out. I turned it over in my hand and looked at the apple on one side.

"Found it!" I yelled as I scooted myself out from under the truck.

"Where the hell did your shirt go?" Bakugo asked with confusion. He held his hand out to help me up. I didn't hesitate to take it. I will never complain about his large hands on any part of my body.

"I wasn't going to lay on the ground with it on. It's one of my favorite shirts." I handed him the AirTag. "It was stuck in the rusty part of your frame."

"He's a fucking psycho. Next time we go to the city, we're not taking my truck." He groaned. He closed his fist around the AirTag before throwing it into the field. It went pretty far, so Touya would have fun finding it when he tried looking.

"He knows what I drive, so we can't take my car either." I frowned. I like going to the city, but was it worth this? Was it worth the drama? There's another city to the south that is only an hour further. It was a little bigger and had more events going on, so that might be our best bet from now on.

"How do you know the Todoroki family? They grew up in the city, and you didn't." He asked.

"Would you judge me if I said I met Touya on Grindr?" I asked nervously. I had a bad boy phase when I was nineteen, and he filled the phase.

"You hooked up with him?" Bakugo asked. His voice was an octave lower than usual, and I usually would love it. However, I know right now that he's mad. He has a vein on his forehead that pops out when he's angry.

"When I was nineteen and stupid, yes. After a few months, I realized I didn't want to be with him. He wasn't my type at all."

"Get in the car." Bakugo ordered as he opened my door. If I found out that someone I was friends with slept with my mortal enemy, I wouldn't be happy either.


"Does it bother you that bad? That I was with Touya for a while?" We've been sitting in front of our food for thirty minutes, but he hasn't attempted to eat any of it. He keeps pushing it around his plate.

"He's a fucking idiot, so yes." He scoffed. "Most of the guys I've seen are fucking idiots." Did he mean the guys he's met because of me? If so, I have to agree with him, unfortunately.

"I was an idiot once upon a time too." I laughed nervously. I never did anything terrible with Touya, but I never stopped him. I walked out of the store, ignoring the fact that he had hundreds of dollars in stolen merchandise. I drove him to sketchy areas, already knowing he was going to get drugs.

"The past is in the past." He mumbled. He doesn't like living in the past any more than I do. Which gives me the perfect reason to change the subject.

"When are you going to decorate Shinso and Kaminari's place? You have all of the furniture now, right?" I asked while taking another bite of my grilled chicken.

"This weekend." For the first time since we left the city, he smiled. He liked interior decorating. I hope he can make a career out of it one day and leave the job he has now. He hates it there, even if he won't admit it. "You can come with me if you want."

"I have to work Friday morning and Sunday evening. I'm off Saturday, so we can head up Friday when I get off work and start taking the bigger furniture in."

"Works for me." Our server walked back over with our check and a few boxes for our food. She set them on the table before telling us to take our time and leaving again.

"Are you about ready to go?" He asked while scooping his uneaten pasta into one of the Styrofoam boxes. I let out a nervous sigh while reaching for the other box.

"Monoma is going to pick me up from here," I informed him. "I'm going home with him tonight." After spending the day with Bakugo, I had to get away. Today was a dream. It was a dream I had to wake up from. He showed me today that he cares more than he pretends not to. He's a great guy, and I keep falling for him more and more every day. I have to start putting some distance between us before it's too late.

"Monoma? Is he the one that had you half-naked in our living room?" His fist clenched so tightly around his fork that I could see it shaking in his grip. Maybe I shouldn't have told him who I was going out with. I should have just said I was going out with a friend.

"Yeah," I confirmed. I don't know why he got so angry whenever I mentioned I would be with a guy. He's made it perfectly clear that he's straight and not into me in the slightest.

"Don't fucking walk home in the cold. If you don't end up staying there, call me." Even though he doesn't like Monoma, he doesn't punish me for going to see him. He's still there for me. I wish he could understand what that means to me, but he doesn't. I won't tell him, either. If I tell him how I feel, he'll avoid me. He doesn't need to know that I think he's the hottest thing to walk this Earth. He doesn't need to know that he is in my head 24/7. He doesn't need to know the things I write about. Most importantly, he doesn't need to know that I fall more in love with him whenever he opens his mouth.

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