My Savior

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"You weren't there, Todo," I sighed. "You didn't see his face. The sadness, disdain, the anger—it said more than it needed to."

"He really said you should move out?" He asked in disbelief. Not only did I break the number one rule about being gay, but I broke my heart in the process.

"I said it first... but, yeah." I pressed my face further into Todoroki's mattress. Would he have recommended it if I had never suggested my moving out?

"Are you actually planning on moving out?" He asked.

"I think so," I shrugged. "He clearly wants me to leave as well."

"I don't think that." Todoroki lay back, landing next to me on his king-size bed.

"What makes you say that?" I asked softly. He wasn't there. He didn't hear the way Bakugo's voice sounded.

"I've known him almost my entire life. He won't hesitate to let them know if he doesn't like someone and wants nothing to do with them." He shrugged.

"He kind of did let me know that," I rolled my eyes and buried my head deeper into my pillow.

"Him having an off day and acting like a jerk isn't his usual style of telling someone he hates them. You would have known from day one if he hated you." Did I know from day one? Were there signs I overlooked because I couldn't stop focusing on how badly I wanted him to shove me against the wall?

"He wouldn't have risked hanging out in the city after seeing his parents if he hated you. I don't think you understand how terrified he is of my brother." He added.

"Bakugo? Terrified of Touya?" I find that hard to believe. I don't think Bakugo knows what fear is, and I doubt he's scared of Touya.

"Not in the way you're thinking," Todoroki sighed. "He's not scared to get beat up or anything like that. He's more scared of getting involved. He worked hard to get the hell away from here and get out of my brother's circle of delinquents. He doesn't want it to come back and bite him in the ass. He's scared to lose everything he's worked for."

"How would returning to the city lead to your brother ruining his life?" I asked. All he had to do was walk away. He didn't have to interact with him.

"Were you not the one that found an AirTag hidden under his truck?" Todoroki asked me with a cocked brow. "Do you realize what could happen if Touya found out where he lived? He would have gone to his apartment, his work; anywhere he saw Bakugo go. I don't think you understand how much my brother hates him in return."

"So you're saying I should forgive Bakugo and go home because he came to the city with me?" I scoffed. Since when did my best friend take anyone's side other than mine?

"Not at all," he said quickly. "I'm saying you should talk to him. Find out why he came home from work early in a bad mood." I opened my mouth to reply, but the frantic ring of the doorbell shut me up. Touya's friend Toga rings the bell like that every time she comes over. It made Touya so mad sometimes that he wouldn't even let her in. Which is what I assume is happening right now since the doorbell was still ringing.

"How long until you think she leaves?" Todoroki asked me with a heavy sigh as he rolled toward the edge of the bed.

"She probably won't," I shrugged.

"I'm going to go let her in. I'll be back." He groaned while walking out of the room. I grabbed my bag and blindly searched through it until I found my phone. I turned it on silent when I left the apartment and haven't checked it since. What are the odds that Bakugo texted me to apologize? 

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