The City

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"It wasn't my taste, but it wasn't horrible." I shrugged as we walked down the main strip in the city. It was an interesting play, but I don't see myself wanting to see it again.

"Drag Queen musicals aren't your taste?" He laughed lightly. "Come on; they do different musicals every couple of months."

"For every few chapters of your book that I get to read, I'll go to one of these plays with you." I shrugged. I'm not sure what he was writing about, but I want to know. He blushed and got flustered when I brought it up the other day, and now I'm definitely curious.

"I don't know if I can agree to that." He smiled nervously. "I promise that you won't want to read what I write."

"I don't think it's fair of you to judge me on that." I shrugged. He shifted a step away from me. I'm making him uncomfortable, which is something I don't want to do.

"What else do you want to do while we're here?" I asked, changing the subject.

"There's one store I want to stop by, and then we can leave. I don't want to keep you here in the city forever." He said. "We're almost there."

"What store?" I asked. I know this city like the back of my hand, but I don't see any of these stores being ones that he would shop in. This side of the city is for the rich people. It was filled with high-end designers. I don't see Midoriya wearing anything from this area.

"Have you been to The Daily Drip coffee shop?" He asked.

"Once, I got kicked out of there and told never to come back." I frowned. "That was years ago, though."

"We're not going in there anyway, so you're good. Behind the building, there's a staircase that goes up to another shop. It's kind of a hidden shop." He explained. "It's a store similar to the colorful side of Creati's. It's bigger, a little more expensive, but they have so much in there."

"We're going clothes shopping?" I asked with a chuckle. "What else would I expect?"

"Do you think I get clothes like these from Walmart?" He laughed loudly.

"No, I did not." I shook my head. "They look good on you, though." I hate how good crop tops looked on him. He had a perfectly toned stomach and chest for someone who didn't work out.

"Thank you." His cheeks turned a light shade of pink. "You can help me pick out a few more things."

"I guess I can do that." I shrugged. I don't think it matters what he buys. He's looked good in everything I've ever seen him in. He pointed to the right when we got close to the next alleyway. It's something he often does. He doesn't announce when or where we're turning. He points. It's one of the many things that interests me about him.

When we turned, we walked to the back end of the coffee shop before going up a spiral staircase. I'm glad I didn't know this place existed when I lived here. I'm sure my old friends and I would have done something stupid to a store like this in an area like this. When we stepped inside, the smell of lavender filled my nose. He wasn't lying when he said the store was large. It was filled with clothes in every style and color imaginable.

"Hey, Izuku!" The cashier yelled as she walked around the counter. "I was about to go over and check on you since you haven't answered the group chat in three days." She pouted.

"It's been a busy few days." He chuckled before wrapping his arms around her and pulling her into a hug.

"How long are you going to be here?" She asked. "The boys should be back soon with dinner. I can ask them to stop and grab you something." Midoriya pulled away from the hug and turned to me.

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