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*homophobia, self harm hinting "jokes", and just overall fuckery*


I knocked three times softly on Seonghwa's door. I tried to make myself presentable. I took out all my piercings, replacing them with clear retainers to ensure the holes wouldn't close up, except for my tongue, I left those with the same metal jewelry I've already had in, and just simply hoped no one would pay close enough attention to notice.

I even bought clothing for this occasion, simple, but classy, a white button down with black straight leg pants, and a fairly nice tapered blazer. I did however want to make myself feel a bit more like 'Hongjoong' so I still chose to wear my rings, and hang chains off my belt.

I stayed up late, dying my hair black in my bathroom, as well as fighting my cats off the sink counter where they insisted they were going to shove things into the floor. I trimmed my bangs a bit to get them away from my eyes, and made sure the rest of my hair wasn't too choppy.

Seonghwa swung open the door, his expression pretty much instantly softening the second we made eye contact. His eyes traveled from my face to my shoulders, to my chest, to my stomach, lower and lower on my body before he was looking back up at my eyes.
He breathed out.
"You dyed you hair?"
His head cocked his head, his hand reaching up to brush his fingers through my bangs.
"Does it look okay?"

"Very, very pretty."
He kissed me with one quick peck.
"Come on. I have to get dressed."

I followed him into his apartment and off into his bedroom. His curtains were tied open, flooding the room with sunset orange light. The clouds outside had a pink hue to them, and the sky was orange and almost purplish.

Seonghwa had already laid clothing out on his bed and I just about choked when I saw a black lacey corset sitting on top of a silk looking, definitely women's, top.

"You're gonna wear that?"
I question, running my hand over the lace fabric of the corset. Seonghwa turned to me, his hands up to his ear as he shoved pretty silver and red dangling earrings through his ear piercing holes.
"Mh? Yeah, why? Will it look okay."
I glanced from the clothes back to Seonghwa down to his feet and back to the clothes on the bed.
"Fuck yeah they'll look okay. Way more then okay, actually."

"Good. I want them to piss off my mom."
He said crossing his arms over his body to lift his sweatshirt off his body.
"Why would you wanna do that?"

"For fun."

I watched him get dressed in silence, just enjoying the pretty view of the incredibly attractive boy in front of me. And but of course, I was right. He looked fucking perfect. He always looks fucking perfect.

The corset sat tight around against his body extenuating the sluttiness of his already slim waist, the shirt underneath overflowed out of the stiffer fabric of the corset, making a nice silhouette, his pants were high wasted, and made his legs look longer then they already regularly did.

He had his platinum hair shoved back mostly out of his face, small pieces of his bangs falling over his left eye. His makeup was smoked out brown eyeshadow, less blended around the outer corner of his eye, and applied smoothly in his waterline. Gold highlighter defined his high rested cheek bones with, and complimented his warm undertoned skin.

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