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*quick little a/n, this is Seonghwa's pov the last chapter. So it'll be a tiny bit similar.*


I was late.

Late on the first day of my sophomore year of college.
But more importantly, late on my first day at my transfer college.

Fuck my life.

I could hear my name being called right as I reached for the industrial door. I froze, feeling me heart sink. I had hoped I'd make it before my name was called.

"Park Seonghwa."
And again
"Mr. Park."

I finally pushed open the door.
"Yes, I'm here. Sorry."
I said, making my way into the large room.
"Late on your first day?"
He tsked at. I could feel his annoyance throughout the room.
"Take a seat."

I walked up the stairs to the first open desk by a small framed blue haired boy.
"Is this desk taken?"
I asked him, resting a smile upon my face.
"No. Go ahead."
He said coldly. He didn't even glance in my direction.

I sat down, flipping open my notebook and focusing myself onto the blank page. I assumed I wouldn't be taking many notes on the first day, and so far, I've been correct. Simply working on lyrics to songs I could send Mingi when they were ready, while still looking like I was engaged in the class.

I clicked my pen trying to come up with any sort of idea, the continuous noise helped me, for some reason, today it wasn't.

I turned my head to look at the boy to my side.

He was wildly pretty. He had a fairy like swooped pierced nose, his lips parted as he stared at the professor, something about the way his eyes rarely blinked told me he wasn't particularly focused on what was being said.

I stared. My pen still clicking until I finally forced my vision away, but there was just something about him that I kept wanting to see. I took quick glances in his direction, never as long as I would've liked.

I finally felt a stare return mine. I lifted my head, making eye contact with the breathtakingly pretty boy left.

His eyes looked like the held their own stars within the dark irisises, the corners of his mouth slightly turned up.

He had more piercings then I had originally thought, his septum and both nostrils held jewelery, as well as both side of his bottom lip, the black hoop hugging tightly to the soft looking pink skin, a virtual bar sat shoved through the center of his plump lip.

I enthusiastically greeted him.
He said, a pretty smile pulling across his face.
"I'm Seonghwa. By the way."
I said, flipping closed my notebook.
His voice was pretty, it drew me in. I wanted to hear him speak more. Something about the way he looked made me want to hear every single one of his thoughts.
I hummed at him as I stood.
"Well then, I'll see you around, Hongjoong."

I walked down the short staircase and out of the room. The mental image of Hongjoong stayed heavy in my mind.

I finally sat myself at a picnic table outside, I wasn't the biggest fan of hot weather, but at least it wadnt humid out as it had been for the past week.

I dug through my bag to find the small, navy blue leather journal I always kept. Everything I touched with paper ended up littered in lyrics, so I never actually journaled, it was, at this point, just a very private lyric book. My regular notbook would be handed off to people, but this one, never left my possession.

I flipped through the pages, unfinished songs lay inside. Only three or four being entirely complete. I tended to only write until I felt like I couldn't, or chose not to any more.

But this song, flowed easily. The color blue being the first inspiration;

I couldn't imagine why?

I wrote for what felt like hours, and it very well could've been. It was interesting how simply I could write a song about a person I had interacted with once, and most likely never to interact with again, especially not outside of class. Yet all I could imagine was giving the pretty fairy boy the piece of paper. Watching the way his eyes fallowed the words as he read. Though I knew these words would never see the light of day ever again.

"Hey blondie!"
I voice startled me out of my thoughts. I glanced up. A boy with red streaks through his hair sat across from me.
"Whatcha workin on?"
He asked, resting his elbows on the table, trying to stretch himself across the it to see the words written on the paper.
I narrowed my eyes.
"What do you want?"
He backed away, sitting back onto the bench fully.
"Not much. I was just wondering who you were. I saw you staring at Hongjoong, and I wanted to know where you were from?"
I felt my heart drop at the name. I hadn't realized someone was watching me.

"I'm- I'm a transfer student. Are you friends?"
I stuttered through my sentence. He nodded.
"Yeah. Me and Joong have known each other since highschool, he's pretty cute, isn't he."
He cocked an eyebrow at me.
"Are you a couple?"
I blurted out.
"No. I have a partner."
He snorted.
"I'm San."
He introduced himself.
"I'm Seonghwa."

"I know."

e spoke, his deep voice sounded as if it were bouncing around in my skull. I didn't know whether to be nervous by the fact that he knew who I was or not.

I narrowed my eyes at the sharp featured boy.
"I read your book."
He pointed to the navy blue journal that sat closed in front of me, 'Park Seonghwa' written over the cover in sliver ink did indeed tell him who I was.

He shoved himself up from the bench.
"There's a party on campus next week. You should come."
A small smile rested on his face. There was something so devious about him, as if he had something planned, something that involved me. Yet I couldn't place it. He didn't feel particularly dangerous, but there was something.
"I don't party."
I said flatly.
"Maybe you could for one night."
I furrowed my eyebrows at him.
"I'll think about it."
I responded. And with that. He jogged off. His red hair bouncing with each of his movements.

I turned my attention back to my lyrics, flipping the pages back to where I was. Replaying that whole, weird, interaction I just experienced.

San's a menace, and I love him.

Waste Of Time (Seongjoong)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن