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It had been nearly three weeks since I had last spent the night with Hongjoong. I saw him in classes, exchanged a few words here or there, but nothing more then a sentence or two.

I had a difficult time reading the boy. He seemed interested in me, though has made no effort to interact for more then mere seconds at a time.

Maybe I was being unrealistic. He seemed interested, in my mentally unstable mind, I was spinning a tale to fit what I wanted. I always had.

I tried to blink the tiredness from my eye as I stared at the clock. Fifteen minutes left on my shift. And that shift couldn't end faster. I praised myself for working just below my home, as I watched dark clouds roll through our city out the window, wind picking up faster than it had minutes prior. It wasn't completely dark out just yet, but it would be by the time my shift was up and the door was locked.

I closed my eyes a moment at the counter, looking forward to walking up the metal stairs of my apartment and sleeping. I heard the door ding and fluttered my eyes open.
"Oh good, you are working,"
The blue haired boy said happily.
"I was worried it'd be someone else and I'd have to go knock at your door."
I furrowed my eyebrows.

"There's a storm coming, a pretty bad one,"
He shrugged.
"I wanted to keep you company."
His last sentence was barely above a whisper.

I couldn't quite understand why exactly he wanted to keep me company during a storm, but I chose not to question it, and simply nodded.
"Well, okay then. I have to clean up here, and then we can go upstairs, okay?"
Hongjoong nodded, and walked to sit in a chair near the window. I took a moment to admire his prettiness. He looked like a porcelain doll with wide shiny eyes, lovely fair skin, and permanently pouted pink lips. I noticed how tousled his hair was, likely from walking here in the wind and how he had none of his ear piercings in.

I shook my head, forcing myself back into reality, and finishing my task at hand, which was currently cleaning the Expresso machine.

Hongjoong was still staring out the window when I directed my attention back to him.
I called making my way twords him, he lightly flinched at the sudden voice but still smiled up at me.
"You startled me."
He laughed. We stepped out the door together.
"What were you thinkin' about?"
I asked locking the door. It was dark, and the rain was picking up quickly.
"Not much, actually."
He said, his voice sounded oddly unstable.
"Can we just get inside, please?"
He had a begging tone, like it was a desperation. Like he needed inside.
"What? Are you gonna melt if you get wet?"
I laughed, though he didn't look amused. At all, actually.
"Okay, okay. Go ahead, go on up."
I gestured him away, and up the stairs just around the corner of the building, he practically sprinted up the staircase.
"There's a key hidden behind the mailbox. You can head in."
I barely finished my second sentence before he had already disappeared into my home.


He stood in my living room awkwardly as I finally made my way into the apartment.
"Are you o-"

He cut me off in the flattest tone I'd ever heard.
"Okay. Tell me if anything bothering you. I'll listen."
I said stepping a bit closer to him. I watched his features soften at my sentence.
"Thank- thank you, Seonghwa. That means a lot."
We stood there a moment before Hongjoong suddenly wrapped his arms around my torso, pulling me into a bone crushing hug.
"Thank you."

Waste Of Time (Seongjoong)Where stories live. Discover now