
535 22 14

*discussions of; self harm, self harm scars, self hatred, domestic abuse*
(This is a heavy, but important chapter. Though fully understandable if you choose not to read it.)

I woke to the feeling of Hongjoong close next to my body. His eyes shut gently in his sleep, his eyeliner smudged and much less perfect then it was last night, each breath soft and relaxed.

I brushed my thumb over the soft pink tinted skin of his cheek, simply admiring the beauty that lay not even a full foot from me. I ran my fingers over the bridge of his nose, almost like what you would do to a kitten while trying to get them to sleep, I gently tracing over each of his features with feather light touches.

"You're so fucking pretty. It's annoying."
I quietly said to the sleeping boy.

I moved my hand from his face, letting it fall against the dip of his waist to rest there. I only then realized underneath the blanket, was really just his bare skin.

His eyes fluttered open pretty immediately after I moved my hand away from his face, a small smile flashing across his lips, I wondered how long he'd been awake.
"Did I wake you?"
I asked, he shook his head.
"Nu-huh, I've be awake."
He replied, rolling closer into me more and snuggling his nose into the crook of my neck.
"For how long?"

"Long enough,"
He laughed.
"Thank you for the compliment."
I felt him begin to press small kisses against my neck, the small sweetest action quickly turning much less sweet and much more sexual in my mind.

My annoyingly sensual reaction did not dare go unnoticed by the boy causing it.
"You're one of those vampire fanfic bitches, aren't you?"
He teased, his teeth nipping against my skin drawing a quick small moan from me.
"Oh hell no."
I laughed, tilting my head allowing him more room to kiss me.
"You are making me hard though,"
I breathed. The blatant personal and sudden information making me internally cringe. Nothing about that sentence was attractive, at all. And though, he didn't even react an uninterested response, then with a smile against my neck, and a;
"Want me to fix that for you, then?"

His hand slipped under the blanket, slowly running down my bare body, the feeling of skin on skin reminded me of the fact that I had made the executive decision to not get dressed. The only thing keeping me from being entirely bare underneath the blankets was underwear.

His hand stopped moving lower at my stomach, just resting against the softer part of my torso, his thumb lightly stroking the skin, continuing to work at my neck, positively leaving marks behind to join the ones he left me with last night, that I had still yet to look at, he let out soft hums, obviously, and surprisingly, thoroughly enjoying himself.

Every nip of his teeth, or flick of his tongue sent chills down my spine, or forced my voice to moan, struggling to keep my voice down, everything in me feared annoying him with my volume. And it would never matter how many times he told me to be louder.

"You didn't answer me, Hwa. You want me to fix your problem?"
His slinder finger slipped under the waistband of my underwear because snapping it against my waist. I shook my head.
"I don't like morning sex,"
I whispered between my labored breaths.
"Can I ask why?"
He questionably retorted.
"My body's sore in the mornings."
I answered simply, and quickly.
"Do you want me to do anything else?"
I shook my head. He placed a final kiss against my neck, finally pulling back to admire his minutes of work.

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