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*scars, smut*

(I am in no why romanticizing SH!)


"My turn to trust you not to judge me like everyone else has."
Seonghwa said kneeling on the bed in front of me, his thin fingers wrapping around the hem of his soft burgundy sweater, ever so slowly removing the fabric, showing more skin little by little.

I watched in silence as he finally shed his sweater fully, discarding in onto the floor next to the bed.
"You're so fucking pretty."
I breathed out. He stood up from the bed, undoing his belt, he jaw tensed, he felt so obviously anxious. He exhaled.
"I'm scared,"
He laughed.
"Then don't."
I responded firmly.
"I want to, though."
He unzipped his pants, slowly pulling them down his thin legs, the light from his phone illuminating him enough for me to make out scars left by previous straight cuts. I lightly gasped quickly regretting the noise that came from me the second my eyes met his. There was sadness etched into his face, quickly hidden behind a more flat expression.

"Tell me,"
He took a small step twords me.
"Tell me how unattractive I am, laugh at me for doing this to myself. Go on."
Seonghwa had a disgustingly mocking tone to him.
"I- why would I ever say anything like that?"
Seonghwa sadly laughed.
"Because that's what anyone else would do."
I was absolutely dumbfounded by the words spilling from the pretty boy's lips. How could anyone ever say something so horrific to someone as kind as Park Seonghwa.

"Come here."
I quietly requested. He hesited a moment, before walking all the way up to me.
"Seonghwa, you are the most attractive person I've ever had the pleasure of looking at with my own eyes."
He glared at me.
"I call bullshit."
Amusement played in his tone.
"You really don't believe me?"
I laughed, he shook his head in response.
"Can I show you how pretty I think you are? I think that was why you were undressing anyhow."
Seonghwa smiled.
"Mhm~ I suppose."
I stood, only to replace my body with his on the bed, I swiftly picked his light body up to toss onto the mattress as he shrieked in the process. The mood entirely lightened, the room filled with laughter.

I removed my own shirt quickly, discarding it by Seonghwa's clothing, I felt his eyes on me, watching me closely as a stripped.

I climbed on top of him, straddling his hips, a small hum coming from the blonde when I put a but more of my body weight on top of him. Thin pieces of fabric the only thing keeping us from being fully skin to skin.

"I hope you're not expecting me to bottom."
Seonghwa's eyes widened though still shook his head in confirmation.
"Good. Because that's certainly not happening, my dear."
I raked my fingers down his side, appreciating the way he shivered and moaned my name.
"I love how that sounds from you."
I praised leaning over him to place a gentle kiss against his lips before finally shifting my body off his and lying down next to him. He looked at me with a confused expression, but still sat up.
I asked.
"What do you want me to do?"
He responded.
"Anything you'd like. Just for a bit."
He shook his head.
"I'm not in charge of that,"
He said.
"I want to be manhandled."
He sighed.

I didn't mind the idea of that by any means.
"Okay then, I like the sound of that. Give me a safe word, my dear."

"The color system works just fine for me."
I nodded.
"Repeat them,"
I requested.
"Green is good, yellow is slow down, red is stop."
He answered quickly and confidently.
"Good boy. And if you can't speak, then what?"

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