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I couldn't get the image of the blonde that sat next to me in a stupid required science class.

It had been four days.

Something about him was so captivating.

I was so incredibly interested in knowing more about him. Hear his every thought. And that scared me. How quickly he had me in a hold. How quickly he's going to be able to manipulate me. How quickly he's going to ruin me.

He was too nice. His voice was pitched up, and happy sounding. He held his eyes open wide, and his pretty, dark irisises held a billion stars.

There wasn't any way he didn't have thoughts of harming me.

Internally, or externally.

I hated how much I had already thought of him.

What was it about him?

I racked my brain thinking about what could possibly be so alluring about him. I barely said anything to him, and vice versa. But fuck. Was he wildly attractive.

I opened the red door of a locally owned café held in an old Victorian house. The original wood moldings lined the room of the building, the floors were wooden, and likely original, or at least close to original. the upstairs was rented as an apartment, a cheap apartment, might I add. It was small, but impressively beautiful.

The golden bell jingled upon my entry, alerting the platinum blonde employee who turned hearing me enter.

And oh but of course, the employee is Seonghwa.
"Welcome to 'Turn Table Café', what can I get for you?"
He spoke, his voice in that same smooth, sweet tone he used four days ago.

I stupidly blurted out
"That's gonna be way more than you can afford."
He joked, smiling at me. His eyes scrunching shut.

He was adorable. And I fucking hated it.

"That's not what I meant."
I corrected. Seonghwa places a hand under a shiny name tag with obviously, his name written in cursive on it.
"Then, why didn't you read, hmm?"
Amusement sat clear in his tone.
"Anyhoo, what can I get for you?"
He prompted, waiting patiently for my simple coffee order.

He spun on his heels to make my drink as I looked around the pretty café. I'd been in this building many, many times, but it never felt less beautiful.

Seonghwa called before handing me the drink, his eyes watched me, I felt as if I was under a spotlight, burning down on me.
"Quite staring."
I said firmly, furrowing my brows.
"No one else to look at."
He replied with a shrug.

He wasn't wrong. We were the only ones in the coffee shop.
"I'm supposed to close up soon,"
I glanced at the watch rested against my wrist 8:25pm

They closed at 8:30.
I cursed myself for coming in so late, I tended to avoid it by coming in around seven or so, knowing they would've already cleaned all the machines, and yet, here I am, going to have him dirty them again.

"We close in ten,"
He said in response to me looking at my watch.
"I don't mind if you stay over though, I could use some company while I clean."
He walked out from behind the counter.
"I'm locking up though, don't need anymore later comers."
He laughed. His laugh was so light, it felt like it could lift the moods of anyone.

He quickly retook his place behind the counter, taking a wet rag and wiping down the counter tops all whilst humming a sweet tune.
"What are you singing?"
I asked, taking a seat at one of the small tables.
"A song I'm working on, just... Thinking up a melody."
He flashed a quick smile in my direction, and I bit back my smile in return.
"Most people say that's all a waste of time though, so you can laugh."

"Why would I laugh?"
I mumbled out.
"Because it's not really a money making sort of hobby. So I guess it really is a waste of time."
He answered, his eyes shot from the rag in his hand up to meet my eyes.
"Why does money make something worh doing?"
I asked, a frown resting on my face. I heard a small snort come from the blonde.
"Ask my parents,"
He tossed the dirty cloth into the sink before resting his elbows on the counter and his face in his hands.
"They'll tell you."

Silence fell over us. And still he was still so attracting. His energy, it draws people to him. And it annoyed me.

A waste of time would be trying to get to know this person. That's what a waste of time would be.

"I like your piercings, by the way."
He tilted his head at me.
"Got anymore?"
I nodded my head lightly.
"Oh, where?"
He asked. I opened my mouth, showing him the two tongue piercings that sat side by side on my tongue, I watched as his face flushed, obviously imagining what the metal could be used for.

I suppose it wouldn't be so bad to just, mess with him a bit. Maybe San was right, a hookup didn't sound too horribly bad.

"You like 'em?"
My voice teasing. He nodded, his face still red.
"They're pretty useful,"
I started.
"How bad did they hurt?"
He suddenly asked before I could speak anymore.
"They didn't hurt, but they also didn't feel nice,"
I laughed.
"The healing process was a bitch though."

"They look nice."
He said turnung away from me to clean more machines.
"I like them... A lot."
His words were muttered under his breath.

Got him.

Waste Of Time (Seongjoong)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum