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A distraction was all I needed. And just like that, a distraction I was given.

A house party. Genuinely nothing more distracting then alcohol, and a hookup, perfection. The drunker I was, the more likely I wouldn't back out of a fuck like I did last time.

San insisted he as stay home, but I could practically feel his concern flowing through the city straight to my location somehow. He regularly came with me to bars, or parties, anywhere drinking was involved.

I parted ways with San for the most part, deciding to rather drink as many shots as I could before I felt like I was gonna throw up, which wasn't particularly a lot. But I was pretty quickly shit faced.


I stumbled around all the other stumbling bodies, trying my hardest to have some sort fun, even though thus far, I really wasn't.

I put up with, and played along with whomever decided I was attractive enough to grind on, or quietly kiss. I somewhat enjoyed each small sexual advance, and yet still here I was not in someone's bed, just stuck wishing I was with Seonghwa.

Even in a drunken state he was all I thought of, he was by far the most annoying human being I've ever been in contact with and he still owned me and my mind.

I couldn't tell how many drinks I'd had, or how many hours I'd been here, I had no idea. What I could say, was my head was spinning, and in the morning I would have immense regret. Did I care? Not even a little.

It was raining outside, hard, hard enough to hear the thunder and rain droplets hit against the glass of the window. And for once jn

I felt hands grasp against my hips, fingers digging into my flesh, hard enough to the point it hurt, I whined at the feeling, uncomfortable, yet so fucking desperate. I leaned my head back against their shoulder.
"It's been quite awhile hasn't it, Hongjoong."
And as if these past couple weeks couldn't get much worse, here we were.

I flipped around his the hold this man had on my hips, only to be met with exactly who I predicted it to be, I felt like all the alcohol left my body the second a made eye contact with him.
I ask, glaring daggers at the man in front of me.
"I missed you babe. But you haven't returned my calls. I didn't expect to see you here, but now that I do, would you like to join me upstairs for a bit of fun?"
He asked.

That would be the worst decision I would ever make in my life. To accept the offer of definitely sleeping with my worthless ex boyfriend? That was stupid. But was it stupid enough to say no?

I was quickly cut off.
"Just say yes Joong. You know you want to. You missed me too."
He said pulling me a bit closer to his body.
"I really haven't."
I retorted.
"Is that so? Seeing anybody else?"
I was quiet a moment. What was my answer. Do I lie, and take that chance of annoying him, or do I go lie in a bed with him.
"Come on baby, answer me."

"Yes. I'm in a relationship."
I lied through my teeth, praying I was believable.
"Is he here?"
I shook my head stupidly enough.
"What he doesn't know won't hurt him."
I shook my head again.
"Say yes to me, Hongjoong. I know you want to. It's been so long since I've had such a pretty fuck,"

He stepped even closer to me, our bodies brushing against each other.
"And I'm so hard, wouldn't you want to be helpful?"
He asked his voice was sickly sweet and full of nothing but lies.
"Get on your knees for me again, you always took a dick so well down your throat."
Speaking of my throat it felt like it was closing, I felt couldn't breathe. I was suffocating all while breathing just fine.

"It's raining, I know how much you hate storms. Why don't you just come upstairs and take your mind off things for a bit?"
His hand grabbed my face, forcing me to look up at him.
"Take your clothes off for me again, I miss seeing such pretty bodies like yours, no one is built quite as perfectly."
I wanted to walk away from him, but my legs refused to move, I couldn't tell if it was the anxiety building inside of me, or the alcohol, but I was trapped.

"Answer me, now."
He demanded.
"No. I don't want to."
I complied to answering him.
"You never did."
He huffed.
"But after you just agreed you enjoyed yourself. Just come upstairs. You always liked giving head."
I was so fucking drunk, and in no head space to have a conversation like that. And here I fucking was, trapped in it.
"But I don't want to."
He shook his head.

I felt my body being slowly drug twords the stares. And I was completely helpless.
"Wait. Wait. I didn't consent."
I paused, turning to me.
"When did I ever care about your consent, Hongjoong?"
He mockingly asked.

Glad to see he was the same dumb fuck he's always been.

I felt someone's arms slip around my waist, my breath caught
I quietly whispered to the unknown person, suddenly feeling even more unsafe then I already was. Their arms tightened around me, their chin rested on my shoulder.
"Let's go home, my dear."
I felt a gentle kiss press into my neck.

I recognized the voice pretty instantly as Seonghwa. I felt my body relax into his, entirely forgetting about the strong grip around my wrist that quickly dissipated after Seonghwa pulled me backwards into him.

"Thank you for keeping an eye on him while I was on my way here,"
He said,
"Now, you can kindly fuck off."

I was turned around, and pulled out of the
house into the rain.
"I feel sick."
I barely got out before I pretty much immediately emptied the contents of my stomach onto the side walk in front of Seonghwa. Thankfully the only in my stomach was liquid, and was quickly washed away with the heavy rain.
"I was planning on taking you home and leaving you, but now, I'm taking you back to my place. Get in the car."
He said opening the passenger side car door for me to slip in.

Our car ride was silent.


Rats walk toe to heel.

Now you know that if you didn't already.

You're welcome

Waste Of Time (Seongjoong)Where stories live. Discover now