Chapter 8

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Alex stares at the locket in front of them, "You go first."

Harry nods and raises his wand, "Dissendium."

"Incendio." Alex shoots the next spell and the locket catches fire before slowly fixing itself.

"Expulso." Hermione yells but again nothing happens.

"Diffindo... Reducto." In a fit of rage Harry begins to send a load of spells but nothing happens to the locket.

With a agitated sigh he grabs the locket and hangs it around his neck, "What are you doing?"

"We have to keep it safe until we find out how to destroy it."

"Seems strange, mate," Ron says, "Dumbledore sends you off to find all these Horcruxes, but doesn't tell you how to destroy them," Alex places a hand on his shoulder telling him not to say anything, "Doesn't that bother you?"

"Ron," She says quietly leading him back to the tent, "He trusts him, okay?"

With a sigh the red head nods and walks into the tent.


Alex leans back against the bed where Ron lays, her legs crossed as she hums softly to him while drawing in an old sketch book.

"Lex?" Ron whispers quietly.

She hums in acknowledgment biting on her lip in concentration as she shades in the picture of the locket, "You need some sleep."

"I'm fine, Ron," She assures closing her book and turning to look at him, "Get some rest."

He shakes his head and moves up patting the spot beside him, "Please," He says giving her puppy dog eyes, "Pretty please?"

She sighs and crawls in beside him, sighing in content he wraps his arms around her and pulls her against his chest. He runs his good hand up and down her back as she plays with his hair.



She takes the compass from around her neck and hangs it around his, "Will you hold onto this for me? Please."

"But, this is what Dumbledore left for you, you-"

"I know," She says placing her hand over the compass that rests on his chest, "I just, I want you to have it," She shrugs, "To keep it safe, you-you make me feel safe, Ron."

He smiles down at her cupping her face and brining her into a kiss which she instantly returns.

Closing her eyes with a happy sigh she leans her head on his shoulder placing a kiss on the exposed skin of his neck, "Get some sleep, Lex."


It's been a few days, they've moved location a few times since a group of snatchers had passed them one night.

Alex pulls on her coat and kneels in front of the half asleep Ron, "I'm going a supply run, you want anything?"

He opens his eyes to lazily look up at her and shakes his head grabbing her hand in his, "Be careful, please."

She nods placing a kiss on his forehead, "I will, I promise."

Satisfied he kisses the back of her hand and drops it as he drifts back to sleep, "Be careful, okay?"

"Mione, I'm going to Italy." Alex says grabbing her wand and a bag to get some stuff.

"Italy?" Harry questions.

She nods, "I've been there with Uncle Chris so many times, I thought it would be best since they are less likely to be looking for us there. I can apparate to the village we stay and go to the shop, be back within thirty minutes."

Giving them a nod goodbye she apparates to the small village, changing her hair to a muddy brown, her eyes to a hazel and making her sharp features a little more soft adding a mole just for good measure.

Walking into the shop she grabs a trolley and pushes it around shoving food and all sorts into the bag, clothing, she even wanders to the toy aisle and grabs a few board games.

The man at the register begins to speak Italian and she stares at him blankly, despite visiting hundreds of times she still has no idea of the language.

"Oh, uh, sorry, do you speak English?"

"Yes, that would be forty three euros please." She smiles grabbing some money that she had gotten from her savings on the way, "You having a party?"

"No, I'm on the run from a psychotic murder who is trying to kill me and my best friends."

The cashier laughs handing her the change, nodding her head in thanks Alex lifts her hood up and walks out finding an alley where she can apparate back.

The place is quiet when she gets back, the radio has been turned off meaning Ron is probably asleep, "Hey, Ron, I got that cheese you really liked when I brought it back last time." She calls as she walks into the tent.

Harry and Hermione look up from their place on the table when she walks in, they're packing, preparing to leave again, "Where is he?"

They both look down as she sets the bag on the table, "Guys?"

"He, uh, Ron left, Alex."


She steps back and looks at them, "No, he was just asleep, I just promised him I'd come back."

"Alex, I'm sorry, he left, it was just five minutes ago, he said-"

"Five minutes?" She perks up running out of the tent and towards the rocky sea side.

"Ron! Ron, come back, Ron, please! You promised!"

Harry and Hermione sigh sadly watching her as she climbs up a pile of rocks looking around for the other friend, "Ron! Ronald!"

Hermione frowns as she walks over just as Alex collapses onto a rock with a sob, wrapping her arms around her and bring her into a side hug she rests her head on top of Alex's, "He told me to tell you that he l-"

"He doesn't," Alex cuts her off with a shake of her head, "If he did, he wouldn't have left."

Hermione holds her hand out and carefully and Alex takes what she was holding, silently the older girl leaves going back to the tent with Harry.

Opening her hand she finds Ron's Deluminator with a small note attached to it.

'You make me feel safe.'

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